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Using LUKS Encrypted 🔐 Disks w/ Linux 🐧 on The CLI

In this scenario, I create an encrypted LUKS disk to periodically save the Documents/ folder with Rsync, from a computer that does not have a GUI.

Creating a LUKS Disk

# Snapshot the disk list
BEFORE=$(mktemp); lsblk > "$BEFORE"


# Snapshot changed disk list
AFTER=$(mktemp); lsblk > "$AFTER"

# Show the disks changed
diff -U0 -w "$BEFORE" "$AFTER" | tail -n +4

# Remove tmps

# Setup luksFormat Disk
sudo cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/xvdj

# [TYPE "YES"]
# [Enter Password]
# [Enter Confirmation Password]

# Open Encrypted Partition
sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/xvdj DATA

# Install XFS Tools is necessary 
sudo apt install xfsprogs

# Add XFS File System
# (sudo apt install xfsprogs)
sudo mkfs.xfs /dev/mapper/DATA
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Mounting a LUKS Disk

# Attach disk to Qube 

# Replace xvdi, DATA with actual names
sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/xvdi DATA

# See drive on mapper
ls /dev/mapper/DATA

# Create mount point
sudo mkdir /media/user/DATA

# Mount the partition
sudo mount /dev/mapper/DATA /media/user/DATA

# Rsync ~/Documents, excluding node_modules
sudo rsync -av --exclude="node_modules:*.un~" ~/Documents /media/user/DATA
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Unmounting a LUKS Disk

# Unmount the disk
sudo umount /media/user/DATA

sudo rm -r /media/user/DATA

# Close the encrypted partition
sudo cryptsetup luksClose DATA
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