Unless you have been in a bunker at the north pole, you have heard about the war in Ukraine. All the world has eyes on the news from there.
This war has impacted the world. From the feeling of insecurity, the misfortune towards the Ukrainian people, or the economic impact on our lives, everyone was impacted. But nothing compared to the suffering felt by the Ukrainians. They have to run from their homes, watch people die, watch friends die, watch family die...
It takes courage to fight an enemy, but it helps to have a superior motive. There are several examples of people fighting for their homes and lives. It does not matter what the profession, the age, the gender, the political party, or even the nationality. They are all united.
But the world cannot stop. There are many other ways to help Ukraine. You have the StandWithUkraine, a website that lists several ways to help, including donations, how to protest against Russia, or even how to join the Foreign legion of Ukraine!!!.
In the tech world, supporting Ukraine is also a priority. On the 25 and 26 of April, for instance, the Devs For Ukraine conference will take place, with the objective of raising funds and providing support. You can find the program on their website. The event is free, but if you have the possibility and agree with the cause, please donate. It’s a great opportunity to help and learn at the same time.
Off-Course, on the other side, we cannot confuse Putin with Russia, nor can we confuse Russia with Russians. Each person is an individual person and has the right to their own opinion and not everyone shares Putin’s vision.
We are all human and we should not fight each other. We have evolved so much since the end of the Second World War that we should have already discovered that war does not solve problems. Let’s just hope that the next generation does a better job than the current one...
Free Help ukraine Image on Unsplash
This was first published on my website fabiocosta.eu.
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