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Fabrice Ndabitezamaso
Fabrice Ndabitezamaso

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How to do better google search

Some tricks for google search :

1 .Related search results(related:)If you want to find the
websites that are similar to other sites, in search
bar you type Related followed by colons .
Examples :
a) related then you will find all sites related
to google like or etc .
b) then you will find all sites related
to facebook like or etc .

2 . Searching by( Filetype :)If you want to find sites with
similar extension like typed in search bar for
example :
a) in searching bar you can type ( Linux
filetype:pdf) you will find all sites
with pdf extension .

b)in searching bar you can type (Javacript
filetype:doc)you will find all sites
with doc extension .

3 . search operators (+): if you want to know all
information about those two words typed in search bar
for example :
a)in searching bar you can type (kevin Hart +
Biography) you will find the Biography of Kevin Hart .
b)in searching bar you can type (Bruce Lee + Movies)
you will find Bruce Lee and his movies .

4 . search with Asterisk (*) : If you find all forms with
similar phrases for example if you type in search bar :
( “May the * be with you”) .

5 . searching using Nearby , if you want to find things like
restaurant , coffee , market etc which are near where
you are . for example you can type in search bar
(coffee nearby or restaurant nearby) you will find
coffee and restaurant which are near your area .

6 . Cached which is not used that much it used to view an image
for the last time you visited that website . for
example you can type yahoo in search bar and you will
see its website at the end of that website you click
the down arrow you will see two options Cached and
similar you will select cached and see what happens.

7 .Image search is used if you want to find all sizes of an
image on website you have to right click the image
and select search google for image it will open a new
tab and click to all sizes of image you will see
all sizes of that image .

8 .search within sites this is most useful , for example if you
want to find all pages talking about javascript in
site of freecodecamp you can just type in search bar
(javascript .
You can also change and type in search bar (javascript with that you will find javascript from
educational websites .
9 .searching by date you can select in which range you want
your results in google search be. For example you want
a site for javascript which was published between 2016

and 2018 you can type javascript in search bar after
getting results right after searching bar down you
can see where you can select all , Images , videos ,
news , map , more , tools , you can click on tools and
you can see down where it’s written anytime you can
click on it and select custom range and then you can
set date range.

Batch Capricorn
Trainee at Archis Academy

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