DEV Community

Falco Smash
Falco Smash

Posted on • Updated on

Tutorial : manage your community on is the digital square of the permaweb.
Users often ask us how to edit communities. In this tutorial we are going to show you how to create, claim a community and how to edit its banner and descritption.


  1. Community creation & claiming
  2. PST Locking
  3. Editing the community description
  4. Editing the community banner

1. Community creation & claiming

  • Go on
  • Click on the search button or use the shortcut alt-space to open up the search bar.

For the purpose of the tutorial, I decided to claim the community named ArgoraTutorials

Image description

Here is how the ArgoraTutorials community looked like before I claimed it.

Image description

  • Click on the CLAIM COMMUNITY button

Image description

A message that indicates the community is being claimed will appear instead of the button.

ℹ️ The tree green circles is an indicator that the transaction is being validated by the miners

Image description

txid: F6EF1NjmizVut2CcyP1g5pU_uGob42eUrRIlW8YFTsE

Once the transaction is validated by the network the community appears in the "Lastest claimed communities" on the right panel of the Metaweave’s interface:

Image description

ℹ️ By default, a newly claimed community has no banner and description: ""

Image description

2. PST Locking

To manage your PSCs on Metaweave, you need to access

  • To access your community, click on its name on the top of the community page.

Image description

Image description

The creation of the PSC also mints 1000 PSTs (Profit Sharing Tokens). Those tokens will give voting power to their owners. Token are named AGT-$CommunityName:

Image description

To be able to submit votes we first need to lock our community tokens.
Just click the vault button:

Image description

Then click on “Lock tokens”:

Image description
Select the number of PST you want to lock with the duration of the lock in block number:

Image description

Clicking on the “Lock tokens” button makes the transaction. You are directly notified:

Image description

Once it's done you should see notifications as these

Image description
Image description

txid: ZG8O1fYwR-oOrBVcxw1pXucyQ4ZTz5SI-p6Ok3TGhjk

Activity tab now shows the 1000 locked PSTs:

Image description

ℹ️ Click the Transfer tokens button to distribute your communties' PSTs to arweave wallets and share the voting power.

Image description

3. Editing the community descritption

Every modification you can make on community uses a vote.
So to edit the community description we're going to create a new vote:

Image description

  1. After that Click ⚙️ Set
  2. Select "Description" for the Key field
  3. Type your community description in the "value" field
  4. Once done click "Create vote"

Image description

Notification of the vote creation:

Image description

Notification that the vote transaction has been mined and validated by the network:
Image description

txid: SPeMwai9GmsKrzVDmtYzoPvh45szs8F6ga6Ii3KuAHk

The vote is now available and every account with voting power can vote "yes" or "no" to this new description;
Here is the transaction related to my vote for the community description:
txid: g3TOUmoseqDMeLfRg_r0gtWOf5SXv_5D92pZix2sw_o

We can now see that 100% of voters voted Yes for the new description:
Image description

we just need to wait for approximately 7 hours (200 blocks) to be able to finalize the vote:
Image description

Notification of the transaction related to the finalization of the vote:

txid: -WcHL6bUvKAqU7iywuoz2rNQn8Fs7wI-T05vPS0_zFg
Now that the vote is finalized the description appears just under the community banner:
Image description

4. Editing the community banner

Metaweave recommends 600*300 pixels picture resolution for community banners.
Firstable you need to upload the picture you want to use as a banner for your community on Arweave’s blockchain.
To do so I personally choose to use Ardrive.
As for the description you need to create a new vote to edit the banner of the community page that will appear on Metaweave.

  1. Click ⚙️ Set
  2. Select “Community Logo” for the Key field
  3. Type your picture TxID in the “value” field
  4. Click “Create vote”

Image description
txid: JwTWvCKNwmoZufzRqjkQeLjUTsPB02Wnvzgs0vMjuhY

You will just need to follow the voting steps you followed for the description

  1. Vote Yes
  2. Wait for 7 hours (200 blocks)
  3. Finalize the vote

The community page on Metaweave:

Image description

Thank you for following this tutorial I can't wait to see how you'll use it.

Stay tuned on Metaweave for more tutorials, news and post.

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