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Le Vogel
Le Vogel

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Investigation regarding activities of commercial diesel engine oxidation catalysts for Corp, C3H6, with out oxidation.

RNA-Seq analysis of differentiated iNCCs revealed widespread gene expression changes and mis-splicing in genes relevant to craniofacial and embryonic development that highlight a dampened response to WNT signalling, the key pathway activated during iNCC differentiation. Furthermore, we identified the mis-splicing of TCF7L2 exon 4, a key gene in the WNT pathway, as a potential cause of the downregulated WNT response in patient cells. Additionally, mis-spliced genes shared common sequence properties such as length, branch point to 3' splice site (BPS-3'SS) distance and splice site strengths, suggesting that splicing of particular subsets of genes is particularly sensitive to changes in TXNL4A expression. Together, these data provide the first insight into how reduced TXNL4A expression in BMKS patients might compromise splicing and NCC function, resulting in defective craniofacial development in the embryo.Mutations that cause Huntington's Disease involve a polyglutamine (polyQ) sequence expansion beyond 35 repeats in exon 1 of Huntingtin. Intracellular inclusion bodies of mutant Huntingtin protein are a key feature of Huntington's disease brain pathology. We previously showed that in cell culture the formation of inclusions involved the assembly of disordered structures of mHtt exon 1 fragments (Httex1) and they were enriched with translational machinery when first formed. We hypothesized that nascent mutant Httex1 chains co-aggregate during translation by phase separation into liquid-like disordered aggregates and then convert to more rigid, amyloid structures. Here we further examined the mechanisms of inclusion assembly in a human epithelial kidney (AD293) cell culture model. We found mHttex1 did not appear to stall translation of its own nascent chain, or at best was marginal. We also found the inclusions appeared to recruit low levels of RNA but there was no difference in enrichment between early formed and mature inclusions. Proteins involved in translation or ribosome quality control were co-recruited to the inclusions (Ltn1 Rack1) compared to a protein not anticipated to be involved (NACAD), but there was no major specificity of enrichment in the early formed inclusions compared to mature inclusions. Furthermore, we observed co-aggregation with other proteins previously identified in inclusions, including Upf1 and chaperone-like proteins Sgta and Hspb1, which also suppressed aggregation at high co-expression levels. The newly formed inclusions also contained immobile mHttex1 molecules which points to the disordered aggregates being mechanically rigid prior to amyloid formation. Collectively our findings show little evidence that inclusion assembly arises by a discrete clustering of stalled nascent chains and associated quality control machinery. Instead, the machinery appear to be recruited continuously, or secondarily, to the nucleation of inclusion formation.The tamoxifen-dependent Cre/lox system in transgenic mice has become an important research tool across all scientific disciplines for manipulating gene expression in specific cell types. In these mouse models, Cre-recombination is not induced until tamoxifen is administered, which allows researchers to have temporal control of genetic modifications. Interestingly, tamoxifen has been identified as a potential therapy for spinal cord injury (SCI) and traumatic brain injury patients due to its neuroprotective properties. It is also reparative in that it stimulates oligodendrocyte differentiation and remyelination after toxin-induced demyelination. However, it is unknown whether tamoxifen is neuroprotective and neuroreparative when administration is delayed after SCI. To properly interpret data from transgenic mice in which tamoxifen treatment is delayed after SCI, it is necessary to identify the effects of tamoxifen alone on anatomical and functional recovery. In this study, female and male mice received a moderate mid-thoracic spinal cord contusion. Mice were then gavaged with corn oil or a high dose of tamoxifen from 19-22 days post-injury, and sacrificed 42 days post-injury. All mice underwent behavioral testing for the duration of the study, which revealed that tamoxifen treatment did not impact hindlimb motor recovery. Similarly, histological analyses revealed that tamoxifen had no effect on white matter sparing, total axon number, axon sprouting, glial reactivity, cell proliferation, oligodendrocyte number, or myelination, but tamoxifen did decrease the number of neurons in the dorsal and ventral horn. Semi-thin sections confirmed that axon demyelination and remyelination were unaffected by tamoxifen. Sex-specific responses to tamoxifen were also assessed, and there were no significant differences between female and male mice. These data suggest that delayed tamoxifen administration after SCI does not change functional recovery or improve tissue sparing in female or male mice.Gammaherpesviruses have evolved various strategies to take advantage of host cellular factors or signaling pathways to establish a lifelong latent infection. Like the human gammaherpesvirus Epstein-Barr virus, murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (MHV68) establishes and maintains latency in the memory B cells during infection of laboratory mice. We have previously shown that MHV68 can immortalize fetal liver-derived B cells that induce lymphomas when injected into immunodeficient mice. Here we identify interleukin 16 (IL16) as a most abundantly expressed cytokine in MHV68-immortalized B cells and show that MHV68 infection elevates IL16 expression. IL16 is not important for MHV68 lytic infection but plays a critical role in MHV68 reactivation from latency. IL16 deficiency increases MHV68 lytic gene expression in MHV68-immortalized B cells and enhances reactivation from splenic latency. Correlatively, IL16 deficiency increases the frequency of MHV68-infected plasma cells that can be attributed to enhanced MHV68 reactivation. Furthermore, similar to TPA-mediated lytic replication of Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus, IL16 deficiency markedly induces Tyr705 STAT3 de-phosphorylation and elevates p21 expression, which can be counteracted by the tyrosine phosphatase inhibitor orthovanadate. Importantly, orthovanadate strongly blocks MHV68 lytic gene expression mediated by IL16 deficiency. These data demonstrate that virus-induced IL16 does not directly participate in MHV68 lytic replication, but rather inhibits virus reactivation to facilitate latent infection, in part through the STAT3-p21 axis.

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