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Understanding the Mediator Pattern and CQRS with dart_mediatR


In the world of software design patterns, the Mediator Pattern and CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) are powerful tools that help manage complex interactions and improve the scalability of applications. This article will explore these concepts and how they are implemented in Flutter using the dart_mediatR package.

What is the Mediator Pattern?

The Mediator Pattern is a behavioral design pattern that facilitates communication between different parts of an application. It centralizes complex communications and control logic, ensuring that components are loosely coupled and only communicate through the mediator.

Key Benefits:

  • Decoupling Components: Components communicate indirectly through the mediator.
  • Simplified Communication: Reduces dependencies between components.
  • Improved Maintainability: Easier to manage and scale.

Common use cases for the Mediator Pattern in Flutter applications

  1. Decoupling Widgets
  • Problem: Widgets need to communicate with each other without creating tight dependencies.
  • Solution: Use a mediator to handle interactions, allowing widgets to remain unaware of each other and only communicate through the mediator.
  1. Centralized Event Handling
  • Problem: Multiple parts of an application need to respond to the same event.
  • Solution: The mediator acts as an event dispatcher, ensuring that all interested parties are notified without direct coupling.
  1. Complex Form Management
  • Problem: Forms with multiple fields where changes in one field affect others.
  • Solution: Use a mediator to manage the logic and interactions between form fields, centralizing validation and updates.
  1. Modular Feature Integration
  • Problem: Integrating new features into an existing app without disrupting existing code.
  • Solution: Implement the mediator to allow new features to communicate with existing ones seamlessly.
  1. State Management
  • Problem: Managing state changes and updates across different parts of an application.
  • Solution: Use a mediator to handle state changes, ensuring that all components receive necessary updates without direct dependencies.
  1. Command and Query Handling
  • Problem: Executing commands and queries in a decoupled manner.
  • Solution: The mediator can manage commands and queries, routing them to the appropriate handlers and returning results.
  1. Inter-Module Communication
  • Problem: Modules need to communicate without knowing each other's details.
  • Solution: Use a mediator to facilitate communication between modules, allowing them to remain independent and modular.
  • These use cases help maintain clean architecture, reduce dependencies, and improve maintainability in Flutter applications.

Implementing the Mediator Pattern with dart_mediatR

dart_mediatR simplifies the implementation of the Mediator Pattern in Flutter. It acts as a message broker, allowing different parts of an application to send and handle requests without direct dependencies.


import 'package:dart_mediatR/dart_mediatR.dart';

// Define a Request
class FetchDataRequest extends IRequest<String> {
  final String id;

// Define a Handler
class FetchDataHandler extends IRequestHandler<FetchDataRequest, String> {
  Future<String> handle(FetchDataRequest request) async {
    // Fetch data logic
    return 'Data for ${}';

void main() {
  final mediator = Mediator();

  // Register Handler
  mediator.registerHandler<FetchDataRequest, String>(FetchDataHandler());

  // Send Request
  final result = mediator.send(FetchDataRequest('123'));
  print(result); // Output: Data for 123
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What is CQRS?

Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) is a pattern that separates the read and write responsibilities of a data model. By splitting these concerns, applications can achieve more flexibility, scalability, and performance.

Key Benefits:

  • Scalability: Independently scale read and write operations.
  • Performance: Optimize read and write models separately.
  • Flexibility: Evolve models independently over time.

Implementing CQRS with dart_mediatR

Using CQRS in dart_mediatR involves defining commands for writes and queries for reads.


// Define a Command
class UpdateDataCommand extends ICommand {
  final String id;
  final String newData;
  UpdateDataCommand(, this.newData);

// Define a Command Handler
class UpdateDataHandler extends ICommandHandler<UpdateDataCommand> {
  Future<void> handle(UpdateDataCommand command) async {
    // Update data logic
    print('Data updated for ${}');

// Define a Query
class GetDataQuery extends IQuery<String> {
  final String id;

// Define a Query Handler
class GetDataHandler extends IQueryHandler<GetDataQuery, String> {
  Future<String> handle(GetDataQuery query) async {
    // Retrieve data logic
    return 'Data for ${}';

void main() {
  final mediator = Mediator();

  // Register Command and Query Handlers
  mediator.registerHandler<GetDataQuery, String>(GetDataHandler());

  // Send Command
  mediator.send(UpdateDataCommand('123', 'New Data'));

  // Send Query
  final data = mediator.send(GetDataQuery('123'));
  print(data); // Output: Data for 123

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By leveraging the Mediator Pattern and CQRS in Flutter with dart_mediatR, you can build more modular, maintainable, and scalable applications. The separation of concerns allows for cleaner code architectures and easier evolution of your application over time.

Explore the dart_mediatR package today and start implementing these powerful patterns in your Flutter projects!

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