DEV Community

Discussion on: Update an AWS CloudFront custom SSL/TLS certificate using AWS CLI

feargalwag profile image

I keep getting this error first of all.

sed -i.bak "s/.\"ViewerCertificate\"./\"ACMCertificateArn\": \"$AWS_MY_CERT_ID\",/g" config.json
sed: 1: "s/.*"ViewerCertificate" ...": bad flag in substitute command: 'f'

sed -i.bak '' "s/.\"ViewerCertificate\"./\"ACMCertificateArn\": \"$AWS_MY_CERT_ID\",/g" config.json
sed: s/."ViewerCertificate"./"ACMCertificateArn": "arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:316897671968:certificate/9f337eae-09ef-4f4b-8d50-3c7e05bedc75",/g: No such file or directory
➜ owner-webapp git:(SF-727-qa) ✗

Can I use this method to update acm certificate credentials if the certificate is already created?