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Festus Francis
Festus Francis

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VsCode Snippet Duplicates Variables

Hi, here is my login code snippet on VsCode. The snippet works as it should, but the problem is when I change the $$Email variable to username and I hit Tab key, the $Email variable $$_POST['$Email'] gets duplicated to $_POST['username$username']. The same also goes for Pword. How do I remedy this, please?

"Login": {
"prefix": "Login",
"body": [
"include '$connectdb.php';",
"$$Email = $$_POST['$Email'];",
"$$Pword = $$_POST['$Pword'];",
"$$sql = \"SELECT * FROM $staff WHERE Email = '$$Email' AND Pword = '$$Pword'\";",
"$$result = $$conn->query($$sql);",
"if (mysqli_num_rows($$result) == 1) {",
" $$row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($$result);",
" if ($$row['Email'] == $$Email && $$row['Pword'] == $$Pword && $$row['Role'] == '$Student') {",
" header('Location:$profile.php?id='.$$row['id']);",
" } elseif ($$row['Email'] == $$Email && $$row['Pword'] == $$Pword && $$row['Role'] == '$Admin') {",
" header('Location:$Admin.php?id='.$$row['id']);",
" }",
"} else {",
" header('Location:$index.html');",
"description": "Login to db"

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