Hi everyone! We had a great time with Thorsten Lorenz. In this episode, Thorsten introduced to us how RID works by integrating Rust into your Dart or Flutter app by annotating it; we found the entire idea fascinating! Watch the video now and share it with your friends!
You can find Thorsten here:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/thlorenz
Github: https://github.com/thlorenz
His website: https://thlorenz.com
Further Links:
Rid Docs: https://thlorenz.com/rid-site/
Sponsors: https://github.com/sponsors/thlorenz
Poker App PWA: https://youtu.be/bKxtwzr0sy0
Batufo Flutter Game: https://thlorenz.com/batufo/
Sponsorware Explained: https://github.com/sponsorware/docs
Flame Engine: https://flame-engine.org/docs/#/
Seed: https://seed-rs.org/
Rust Nomicon: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nomicon/
Valgrind: https://valgrind.org/
JS Interop in Flutter/Dart: https://pub.dev/packages/js
WASM: https://webassembly.org/
Todo App: https://thlorenz.com/rid-site/docs/examples/flutter-todo-app/
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