In this episode we talk to Amanda about how she got started as an Android developer, working at Venmo, her path to mastering Java and Android, dabbling with the dark side and Animations in Android!
Show Notes
Learning Java and Android
- Java for Dummies []
- Effective Java (2nd Edition) - Joshua Bloch []
- Android programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide []
Computer Science
- CS50 by Harvard University: David Malan []
- CS61B by UCBerkely: Jonathan Shewchuk []
- MIT 6.00 by MIT Opencourseware []
- Venmo: The Musical 2015 (lip dub)
- Hack Week at Venmo []
Swift/iOS and other languages
- Kotlin []
- Snowdream github repo []
- DevBytes youtube playlist
- Chet Haase on Animations in Honeycomb []
- Droid Inspector []
- Android ObservableScrollView []
Awesome picks for the week:
- On being a senior engineer []
Guillotine animation
- how we developed the guillotine menu animation for Android []
- how we developed the guillotine menu animation for iOS []
Timely like Animations
- Visualizing the Timely number tweening animation []
- Implementing Timely's tweening animation []
- @mandybess []
- @fragmentedcast []
- @donnfelker []
- @kaushikgopal []