2016's first installment of a grand bonanza of tips and tricks for #AndroidDev! Donn and Kaushik talk about all the tips and tricks they've picked up over the first part of this year.
Show Notes
- [Orthogonal podcast](http://spec.fm/podcasts/orthogonal
- GDG - Google Developer Groups [developers.google.com]
- Ep 028: Fragmented - tips and tricks from 2015 [fragmentedpodcast.com]
- DF: Developer happiness is a real thing; Learn Kotlin.
- KG: Prevent logcat clearing on app crash
- KG: IntelliJ command line launcher:
- git diffing [pontarelli.com]
- regular diffing [jetbrains.com]
- IO 2016 session: Expert guide to Android Studio [youtube.com]
- DF:
- KeyPromoter plugin [jetbrains.com]
- Philippe Breault [developerphil.com]
- DF: Window management tool
- Divvy [mizage.com]
- Moom [manytricks.com]
- Slant article comparing window management tools (for the Mac) [slant.com]
- Phoenix - lightweight open source js configurable tool [github.com]
- Annyce' caster.io videos [caster.io]
- DF:
- Postman chrome extension [chrome.google.com]
- Runscope [blog.runscope.com]
- Donn's git alias (un)watch [gist.github.com]
- git config:
- KG: LogExOnlySubscriber.java - log exceptions only subscriber [gist.github.com]
- KG: RxSchedulerHook.java - Lazy man's RxJava Espresso scheduler hooks [gist.github.com]
- DF: Shush [mizage.com]
- KG: Intellij plugins
- String Manipulation [plugins.jetbrains.com]
- Lines Sorter [plugins.jetbrains.com]
- Open on Github - see last line in blog post [blog.jetbrains.com]
- DF:
- 8 steps to a pain free back [amazon.com]
- IKEA - Bekant standup desk [ikea.com]
- Autonomous - SmartDesk [autonomous.ai]
- @fragmentedcast [twitter.com]
- @donnfelker and +DonnFelker
- @kaushikgopal and +KaushikGopalIsMe