In this episode Donn and Kaushik have an honest discussion about Realm (a client side database). Donn has worked pretty extensively with Realm and even consulted for their Android platform previously. But Kaushik has only recently tried it out on a production app.
In this episode they have an honest and frank discussion about using Realm, the advantages, the disadvantages, the gotchas and if it makes sense to use a database like Realm as an Android developer today.
Show Notes
- Fragmented episode with Realm Android developer Christian Melchior
- Sqlbrite by Square (Reactive SQLiteOpenHelper wrapper)
- StorIO: wrapper for SQLite or ContentResolver
- BuddyBuild is a continuous integration and continuous deployment system built specifically for mobile developers. Thousands of development teams love buddybuild because it's the fastest way to build, distribute and gather feedback for their apps. Give it a try for FREE at
- Feature: auto updating objects
- Fragmented episode on GC vs Reference counting
- Realm RxExample
- The problem with Threads - Edward Lee
Sync stuff
Github issues tracked on Realm
- Request: Compound primary key support
- Request: Value object support
- Request: Custom column names
- Feature: Copy from Realm
- @fragmentedcast []
- @donnfelker and +DonnFelker
- @kaushikgopal and +KaushikGopalIsMe