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Why might Rust be a smart choice for developers today?

Francesco Ciulla on September 21, 2024

Why might Rust be a smart choice for developers today? Video Version Rust was recently added to the Linux kernel, the first new language in ne...
lexlohr profile image
Alex Lohr

You're explaining what is happening, but the reason developers should embrace the language is why it is happening. Rust has four strong points:

  • excellent core libraries with well-designed APIs
  • immensely helpful compiler messages and tooling
  • simple core syntax augmented by macros to balance complexity well
  • safety and performance by design
alvarordmrdt profile image
Álvaro Luca Riccardi Roca de Togores

Hey just wondering I didn't try rust yet, rust is well developed for APIs / backend then?

francescoxx profile image
Francesco Ciulla

its ecosystem is growing and I already stared exploring the web frameworks parts, and I can say it's promising, even if it's not very mature yet. we'll see what will happen in 2025

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lexlohr profile image
Alex Lohr

I think the backend parts like actix or rocket are pretty established by now. Front-end frameworks like yew are still gaining maturity – as their JS counterparts are growing now faster than ever with the establishment of signals in a TC39 proposal.

lexlohr profile image
Alex Lohr

Yes, very much so.

hanan_smani_8c40166b837f4 profile image
Hanan Smani

hanan_smani_8c40166b837f4 profile image
Hanan Smani

Also cargo is great so that's a plus

lexlohr profile image
Alex Lohr

As I said about tooling, it's really good.

francescoxx profile image
Francesco Ciulla

well said. In this article, I talked more about the community aspect and external reasons, as I already advocate about these things. But nice addition,

parasparmar profile image
Paras Parmar

Alex, I believe you would have written a far better article on this topic. Please try to do so, we'd all really appreciate your observations.

lexlohr profile image
Alex Lohr

I think Francesco is already doing a fine job on his series of Rust articles. I was just pointing out that his headline and the content do not exactly match.

Also, while I'm not foreign to Rust, I'm far from being an expert on the topic.

eshimischi profile image

Tauri is becoming a beneficial tool instead of Electron for web native applications too

francescoxx profile image
Francesco Ciulla

I know, I will look into that

shvahabi profile image

I'd rather recommend Scala as the smartest choice a developor can ever make, its features are unbeatable, no other language can even be close to Scala. And it compiles to native via objectiveC and LLVM as well as JVM and JS. Other choices can only be justifiable if you omit Scala from the choice set.

abhiramp_2005 profile image

Rust is an excellent choice for system programming for those willing to invest the necessary effort to master the language.

francescoxx profile image
Francesco Ciulla


nabir14 profile image

Tell me you code in Rust without telling me you code in Rust.

steve_nordquist_58ca9190 profile image
Steve Nordquist

Tell me you just run what hands around until it's Rust and works and, also, doesn't import stdlibc. (D+ mixed in yes phoarr!)

gekh profile image
German Khokhlov

in rust we trust

shroomlife profile image
shroomlife 🍄

Who needs C++ and so it continues... Who needs Rust?

riccardo-10 profile image
Riccardo richard_ekeopara_846

Hi All,
Have we, so soon, forgotten about F#?
I will admit that I'm still new to it.
It's an awesome language, very expressive and cuts out all the frills too.
I have nothing against Rust but want developers appreciate this language too.

ashley_manraj_115e0278069 profile image
Ashley Manraj • Edited

After exploring it in depth, I could see rust gaining a lot of traction for OS or powerful frameworks or iOT. But not for micro service development compared to Golang (try implementing correctly green thread/mutex memory management compared to the much lower complexity overhead in Go garbage collection). Also rust libraries are way less mature than Go for micro service development (cloud libraries, third parties that gets improved overtime)

abrahamn profile image

I think it's a useful to add to your toolbelt, like Javascript/Python or actually adding what it replaces C/C++ to know what makes a hammer and a mallet both useful.

rolangom profile image
Rolando Gómez Tabar

The major issue with Rust is the learning curve. Difficult to master.

thomdirac profile image

We only have 2 problems here: there is no living being that knows how to code lifetimes and macros, not even touching threads yet. And we are not gui yet