On today's episode, Quincy Larson interviews Laurence Bradford. She's the creator the LearnToCodeWith.me blog and podcast, and the Newbie Coder Warehouse Facebook group.
As a college student, Laurence was so technologically illiterate that her school made her take a remedial computer class. This made her doubt that she had a future in technology. And she ended up studying Economics instead, and moving to Asia to work in economic development.
Years later, Laurence decided to learn some basic web development skills. She found a help-wanted ad on Craigslist and landed her first gig as a freelance developer.
Since then, Laurence has worked as a developer and a product manager. She's written extensively about technology and programming in Forbes and on her blog. And she's interviewed nearly 100 developers on her LearnToCodeWith.me podcast.
Interview by Quincy Larson: https://twitter.com/ossia
Laurence Bradford on Twitter: https://twitter.com/learncodewithme LearnToCodeWith.me Website: https://learntocodewith.meLearn to code for free at: https://www.freecodecamp.org
Intro music by Vangough: https://fcc.im/2APOG02