DEV Community


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Dear colleagues and friends,

I want to inform you about a recent unpleasant experience I had in order to raise awareness about online security.

My GitHub account, which has been a central pillar of my projects since 2020, has been compromised. Despite activating two-factor authentication and taking all precautions, malicious third parties managed to access my account by changing the associated email address and password.

This situation has reminded me of how crucial it is to maintain constant vigilance online. Even with the best security practices in place, no one is immune to such attacks.

I urge all of you to review your own online security measures. Make sure to enable two-factor authentication wherever possible, use strong and unique passwords for each account, and be vigilant for signs of suspicious activity.

Together, we can strengthen our resilience against online threats and protect the integrity of our data and projects.

Thank you for your attention and ongoing support.

Best regards,

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