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Call for participation
It is a great pleasure to invite students and young researchers to apply for this fantastic opportunity, sponsored by ACM SIGSOFT, to learn about careers and research and attend CBSoft 2024, the Brazilian Software Congress.
We invite applications for the 4th Latin American School of Software Engineering. The school will take place in person, collocated with CBSoft 2024. The school welcomes students and young researchers from Latin American institutions and organizations.
The main goal of this school is to help new and future Software Engineering researchers to be part of the larger software engineering community, launching a successful career and managing the challenges while feeling joy in their life as researchers.
The school will also enable the participants to explore potential pathways and understand more about the academic challenges and opportunities. Students will have an excellent opportunity to interact with top researchers and learn about their careers, how to publish, and hear about important topics usually not covered during their studies.
Beyond the outstanding keynotes, we will provide a mentoring section. Students will be grouped by software engineering topics and have at least one mentor. The mentoring section will happen with students presenting a poster with a 1-2 minute lightning talk about their research. Also, students should be prepared to answer questions about their research and ask questions to the mentors.
The applicants must be:
• Ph.D. or MSc students from Latin American institutions; or who received the Ph.D. degree on or after 2023 and work in Latin American organizations/universities;
• Highly motivated undergraduate students might be accepted; and
• Working with software engineering topics.
There are **limited spots** (maximum of 50 students) to be filled for this school that will be given to Latin American applicants. We will select the participants based on different criteria (academic background, research topic, diversity) to ensure the adequacy of the school and diversity. We encourage all those interested in applying!
How to apply?
You need to provide the following documents upon submission:
• A structured abstract with the headings: Context/Problem, Aims, Method, and Results (Expected Results) written in English. No specific template is required. The structured abstract must explicitly describe the research plan the students are conducting (1-page limit).
• Poster: The poster should outline the research with interesting commentary about what you learned. It should be a balance of visuals and text. It must present the research overview, research questions, method, results obtained, and future plans.
◦ Dimensions: 122cm (height) and 92cm (width). Try to use large fonts, such as font size 36-48 for section headings and font size 20-28 for text.
• A document containing a list of papers published in journals and conferences between 2022 and 2024. The document must present the Year of Publication, Paper Title, Conference or Journal | List of Authors | and Link to the student DBLP pointing to the paper. We will only consider the conferences and journals available at CSIndex ( - Software Engineering (list of TOP-15 best conferences and TOP-15 Journals). Students can also consider publications from the following venues:
• Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering (CIbSE)
• Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES)
• Brazilian Symposium on Software Components, Architectures, and Reuse (SBCARS)
• Brazilian Symposium on Systematic and Automated Software Testing (SAST)
• Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality (SBQS)
• Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development (JSERD).
Submissions must explicitly state the names of the applicant, advisor, and affiliation.
Submissions should be electronically made through JEMS3 (
Benefits for selected participants
• Free registration for the School (including lunch and coffee break)
• Students will be ranked by the number of publications, posters, and structured abstract quality. The following cost allowance will be provided:
◦ The TOP-3 applications from LATAM participants outside Brazil will receive a cost allowance after proving they will attend the LATAM School (e.g., air/bus tickets, hotel payment reservation). The cost allowance is limited to R$2,500 (Brazilian Reais), which in around 480 USD (rates from May 2024)
◦ The TOP-17 Brazilian applications will receive a cost allowance after proving they will attend the LATAM School (e.g., air/bus tickets, hotel payment reservation). The cost allowance is limited to R$1,500 (Brazilian Reais).
This fantastic deal is only possible due to generous sponsorship from ACM SIGSOFT. Upon acceptance to the school, participants will receive an email detailing the registration procedure.
**As an initiative aiming to increase participation of Global South authors at ICSE'26, which will take place in Rio de Janeiro, this year we will have a paper writing workshop led by Bianca Trinkenreich (Oregon State University), receiver of the 2024 ACM SIGSOFT Outstanding Dissertation Award. This is a pre-event of the LATAM School, which takes place on October 1st (Tuesday).
So far, we have two keynote speakers confirmed:
• Nicole Novielli (University of Bari, Italy)
• Paulo Borba (UFPE, Brazil)
Other great names in software engineering research and practice will be gradually confirmed to serve as keynote speakers.
Important Dates
Application deadline: June 30th, 2024
Notification date: July 15th, 2024
LATAM School pre-event: September 30th, 2024
LATAM School: October 1st, 2024
Location: Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil
More details about CBSoft 2024 and how to plan your trip to Curitiba, please visit the website:
Kiev Gama, UFPE (
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