Adam shares the details behind his decision to bring on a co-founder for KiteTail, talks the collaboration process when working on an app with somebody else, and give an update on where he's at with getting KiteTail integrated into the Test-Driven Laravel course app.
- Hired, sign up at to double your signing bonus to $2000 if you get a job through Hired
- Rollbar, sign up at to try their Bootstrap Plan free for 90 days
- PushSilver, David's invoicing app
- KiteTail, Adam's checkout platform
- "Designing the Ideal Bootstrapped Business" by Jason Cohen
- Sketch's non-subscription annual pricing model
- Zttp, the underground fight club style HTTP library
- Steve Schoger, Adam's KiteTail co-founder
- Zondicons SVG icon library by Steve
- Zondicons Blade package to easily embed inline SVG icons in Laravel applications
- Hero Patterns, free repeating SVG background patterns by Steve
- Heroicons SVG marketing icon library by Steve
- Building KiteTail, details about KiteTail live streams, newsletter, etc.
- Previous KiteTail live streams on Adam's YouTube channel