Topics include:
- Why you shouldn't start with SaaS
- How to find ideas from client projects
- What to do before you make a landing page
- Why your first product doesn't have to be the one that makes you rich
- Using open source to build an audience
- Rollbar, sign up at to try their Bootstrap Plan free for 90 days
- Codeship
- Getting Real by 37signals (now Basecamp)
- Startups for the Rest of Us podcast
- Storemapper, interview with Tyler Tringas for IndieHackers
- Pippin's Plugins
- The Stairstep Approach to Bootstrapping by Rob Walling
- The Freedom Ladder by Justin Jackson
- "The $61,392 Book Launch That Let Me Quit My Job", story of how Adam released his first product and went independent
- Marketing for Developers, Justin's book and course
- Refactoring UI landing page
- Justin's Laracon 2017 Talk