Topics include:
- How to pick great fonts
- Choosing a color scheme for your project
- Designing in greyscale
- Recreating existing interfaces from scratch
- Recommended design tools
- What you should design first on a new page
- Strategies for making things look professional without graphic design skills
- Rollbar, sign up at to try their Bootstrap Plan free for 90 days
- Steve's Blog
- Little UI Details, a collection of Steve's hot design tips
- Google Fonts, prefiltered
- "12 Google Fonts You Can't Go Wrong With", by Steve
- System Font Stack courtesy of CSS-Tricks
- Inter UI font family (formerly "Interface")
- WhatFont Chrome Extension
- Fonts In Use
- Dribbble color picker
- "Color in UI Design" by Erik Kennedy (great resource on HSL)
- Sketch, design tool for macOS
- Figma, cross-platform design tool
- "Building a professional design tool for the web", on how Figma is written in C++ and compiled to asm.js
- "Epicenter Design" by 37signals
- Doodle, example of a small UI
- Example login page, from Shippo
- Refactoring UI "Redesigning" case study
- Zondicons, Steve's free SVG icon set
- Hero Patterns, Steve's free SVG background pattern gallery
- Pushsilver, example of Hero Patterns in use
- Heroicons, Steve's premium marketing icon kit