- Rollbar, sign up at https://rollbar.com/fullstackradio to try their Bootstrap Plan free for 90 days
- Codeship, check out how they performed in Forrester's latest Continuous Integration Tools report
- Refactoring Rails, Ben's refactoring course
- The 30 Day Code Quality Challenge, Ben's free 30-day code quality course
- Refactoring from Good to Great, Ben's popular refactoring talk
- Decompose Conditional, an example of "make the implicit explicit"
- Introduce Parameter Object
- Replace Conditional with Polymorphism
- Chasing Perfect, Adam's talk about refactoring with polymorphism
- Introduce Null Object
- Replace Method with Method Object
- "Why Ruby Class Methods Resist Refactoring" from the Code Climate blog
- Collection Pipeline, Martin Fowler's article on replacing loops with array transformations
- Curing the Common Loop, Adam's talk on refactoring loops and conditionals
- Refactoring to Collections, Adam's book and video series
- Boundaries, Gary Bernhardt's talk about OO, functional programming, and immutability