Topics include:
- What even is JSX, really?
- Why JSX is not a templating a language
- How render functions work
- Advantages of JSX over templates
- How to translate template features like v-if to JSX
- How event listeners work with JSX
- JSX gotchas to watch out for
- Cloudinary, sign up and get 300,000 images/videos, 10GB of storage and 20GB of monthly bandwidth for free
- Rollbar, sign up at to try their Bootstrap Plan free for 90 days
- Introducing JSX from the React documentation
- Render Functions & JSX in the Vue.js documentation
- Vue.js Template Explorer, see how Vue compiles templates to render functions
- babel-plugin-transform-vue-jsx on GitHub
- Vue Templates in JSX, article by Sebastian De Deyne
- Prettier code formatter
- Hyperscript
- Why React uses "className" instead of "class"
- Writing Vue.js Render Functions in JSX from