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Discussion on: Web3 Tutorial: Build an NFT marketplace DApp like OpenSea

fullstackwebdeveloper profile image
FullstackWEB-developer • Edited

Hello, Thank you for your content.
I have a question.
"There is a ERC20Permit, but there is no permit in ERC721 yet."
Please tell me about this content
I found this blog somewhere
I can't use above method?
I have to use only proxy resister method like as opensea?

yakult profile image

If I have time in the next two weeks, I can prepare a tutorial on permit both for ERC20 and ERC721.

merclown profile image

Im trying to contact you i have a suspect site that use some Daaps to specific wallets. I lost all my NFTs suffering a wallet draining. Can you check if that site have any bad Daaps? Please contact me my email

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