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How do you format curly braces? {}

Fum on December 20, 2020

A discussion just for fun! When coding in languages that use the curly braces {} do you place the curly brace on a new line or in line? Like so: ...
tbroyer profile image
Thomas Broyer

Option B, except with a space before the brace.
But most importantly, I don't really care as I delegate this to tools like Prettier, Google Java Format, or Ktlint.
I don't do C or C++, but there's clang-format there afaict.

yechielk profile image
Yechiel Kalmenson • Edited

My personal favorite:

func myFunction()                                               {

    if(something)                                               {
        doSomething()                                           }
    else                                                        {
        doSomethigElse()                                       }}
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Though in a more serious note, there's no "right" way. Different languages have different conventions and following the convention is more important than any perceived benefit of doing it one way or the other.

dynamicsquid profile image

You need help

sprabhakaran profile image
Prabhakaran S


sfiquet profile image
Sylvie Fiquet

Option A comes from the C tradition, that's what you find in the K&R.

I think option B came about with JavaScript. JS interpreters tend to automatically add a semi-colon at the end of each line unless there is a clear sign that it shouldn't (like an open brace signalling the start of a code block). Hence the new format. I'm not sure if that reason is still relevant today but by now it's standard in the JS world.

As for me I started with C/C++ and option A. After a long career break, I took up JavaScript and Node.js and switched to option B. It was weird at first but now it's second nature.

At the end of the day, what matters is that the team agrees on a common format. Or uses tools that automate formatting.

ctrleffive profile image
Chandu J S

I use Option B but with a space before opening parenthesis and space between closing parenthesis & opening brace.

function main () {
// goto mars
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umi_84 profile image
Aloof • Edited

Let's try to insert behind the inner for loop the next condition: if( count === 0 ) { break; }

Where would be easier to spot the correct place?


function bubbleSort(array)
    let len = array.length
    for(let i = 0; i < len - 2; i++)
        let count = 0;

        for(let j = 0; j < len - 2; j++)
            if(array[j] > array[j+1])
                swap(array, j, j+1);
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function bubbleSort(array) {
    let len = array.length
    for(let i = 0; i < len - 2; i++) {
        let count = 0;

        for(let j = 0; j < len - 2; j++) {
            if(array[j] > array[j+1]) {
                swap(array, j, j+1);
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wseai profile image

B option with space before the brace

int main() {
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szam profile image
Samuel Grasse-Haroldsen

I started coding in C++ and option A was what I saw in books and other code online. Now that I'm using JS I see a lot more of option B so I guess I would say it depends on the language you're using.

mitchpommers profile image
Mitch Pomery (he/him)

I follow whatever the codebase I'm working in uses most of the time. Though if I am ever setting up the codebase (or enforcing linting in a codebase that uses both) I'll generally use Option A.

dynamicsquid profile image


inegm profile image
Islam NEGM

I use Option A (company code formatting), but I am more comfortable with Option B.

int main (void) { 
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aryamaan08 profile image

function myFunc() {


juwdohr profile image

I personally like option 'A' as this seems to me to be more clean looking.

umi_84 profile image

100% with you.