I'm an "expert" at...
Game audio tools and dynamic audio systems π΅π
I began to code because...
I could not rely on other peoples tools to fulfill my needs and wanted to take control over my creative output.
I continue to code because...
After working on music and sound design for a number of years, coding has turned out to be the most creative and fulfilling work I could imagine.
I'm currently hacking on...
A C++ low level audio renderer. It's a side project which sadly can't get the love I'd like to pour into it. I wish there were more hours in the day to allow for
1) self care AND
2) hobby time programming
I'm excited about...
The continued discussion around inclusion and diversity. These conversations are shaping the future. We all have plenty to learn and there are a lot of thing we still need to figure out. But we have come far :D
On the ground it seems like an issue of general "acceptance" in society but it also includes discussion of inclusion into spaces that already exist , trying to open up. Spaces for "women and femmes" or "women and non binary people" can exclude a lot of the (gender-) queer people who don't identify with those terms. And space that claim inclusion often are also spaces of tokenism and suppress voices from people who are not presenting "feminine" enough.
I want to show off...
My new music system, but it's not functional yet :P
I look up to...
- The brave kids fighting for gun control
- The people of color fighting for their right to exist
- The people who raise their voices against injustice
- The people who speak for those who can't
My advice for allies to support women and non-binary folks who code is...
Educate yourself! There are plenty of people out there who are willing to answer your questions.
A great place to start is Ash Mardell's book "The ABCs of LGBTQ" <3
My advice for other women and non-binary folks who code is...
Keep the conversation alive. We are slowly nudging society towards a good place for everyone but there is a lot of work to do and as less and less people will be marginalized it becomes even more important to elevate the voices that are still under scrutiny. It's not over when you are comfortable but when everyone is. β
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