I first interacted with Reyan Ali over Twitter just about a year ago. I'd just partnered with Microsoft to do a series of podcasts at GDC which was a total blast, but it caused me to miss the Classic Game Postmortem on the legendary NBA Jam. I tweeted out the presentation with great entusiasm once it hit YouTube, and Reyan and I became fast friends, vowing to do a podcast segment together before the launch of his book. Since that time, I've followed with great interest as we inch ever closer to the release of his definitive telling of the game's incredible story, which will be published by Boss Fight Books.
Reyan's promotional Twitter account (linked below) is full of incredible memorabilia and history, and that's no coincidence--in the process of writing NBA Jam, he's amassed nearly 70 interviews with the developers, motion capture actors, celebrities appearing in the game, and a woman with a less-than-timely (though damn respectable) tattoo. If you grew up playing NBA Jam, Reyan Ali and his book are the closest things you have to a time machine.
Reyan's career has included fantastic writing and interviews across a wide variety of topics, and you can read his coverage in many great publications. The history of one of the greatest video games of all time is in highly capable hands.
Follow Reyan and the upcoming NBA Jam book:
- @NBAJamBook on Twitter
- An excerpt from the book at Kotaku
- NBA Jam at Boss Fight Books