A Game built as a service, is something that can be played for a very long time and can be updated from from the backed without making huge changes to the game client. In this case to the core game mechanics or launching a game all together.
To build a game as a service you need the right tools that that let you operate on the game by changing game configurations in real-time on productions servers, based on the data that is being collected from the game and the players who play the game.
A game technically is a software, that is interactive in real-time. Though most of the games run on local machine, a bunch of games run in the cloud. Most importantly these days for a game to be successful you need be able to manages and learn about how players are interacting with your games, and may be tweak the game mechanics, as well as enable match making that makes it fun players with similar skillset play and compete with each other.
Now if you are a developer, designer, or an artist building these games, you need to have the right set of tools at you disposal to make these changes, even better automate and build systems that will constantly update or even build a unique version of your game tailored for each player.. How can you do it?
Well this is where you have to invest and plan very early in your development cycle, how your development pipeline is setup so your game is a service that is living and adopting to players behavior to keep them engaged, entertained, challenged and most importantly having fun.
A Game when designed as a service, with the goal of providing custom game play, art. challenge on any platform..
Stay tuned for more details on how this can be achieved .
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