DEV Community

Why don't websites allow users to create their own security questions?

Garvin on April 11, 2019

For those who are part of a team responsible for security on a web application, is there a reason why most sites don't allow users to choose their own challenge/security questions?

niorad profile image
Antonio Radovcic

Because security questions are an additional attack vector and should not be used at all. The dev-time is better invested in enforcement and encouragement of long & secure passwords and 2FA.

garvinc profile image

What would be your workflow for password reset? That is the typical use case for security questions.

niorad profile image
Antonio Radovcic

Enter E-Mail -> Receive Reset-Link

tarialfaro profile image
Tari R. Alfaro

I don't know, but it's bad practice that they do that. In my personal projects I've implemented individual defined security questions.