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Functional design: Algebraic Data Types

Giulio Canti on March 18, 2019

A good first step while building a new application is to define its domain model. TypeScript offers many tools to help you in this task. Algebraic ...
mdi profile image
mdl • Edited

Great article !
What do you think about this approach to pattern matching ?
I think it looks a bit more declarative then checking the type manually.

type Tagged = {_tag: string}

type Tags<TUnionType extends Tagged> = TUnionType['_tag']

type TagTypeMap<TTags extends string, TUnionType extends Tagged> = {
  [TTag in TTags]: TUnionType extends {_tag: TTag} ? TUnionType : never

type Pattern<TResult, TTagTypeMap> = {
  [K in keyof TTagTypeMap]: (item: TTagTypeMap[K]) => TResult

type Patt<TResult, TUnionType extends Tagged> =
  Pattern<TResult, TagTypeMap<Tags<TUnionType>, TUnionType>> 

const match = <TUnionType extends Tagged, TObject extends TUnionType, TResult>
  (pattern: Patt<TResult, TUnionType>) =>
    (object: TObject) =>
      pattern[object._tag][object] as TResult

// ------------------Sample------------------
type Square = {len: number, _tag: 'Square'}
type Circle = {rad: number, _tag: 'Circle'}
type Rectangle = {xlen: number, ylen: number, _tag: 'Rectangle'}

type Shape = Square | Circle | Rectangle

const shapes = [
  {len: 1} as Square,
  {rad: 2} as Circle,
  {xlen: 3, ylen: 4} as Rectangle

const shapeDescription: Patt<string, Shape> = {
  Square: ({len}) => `I am square with length ${len}`,
  Circle: ({rad}) => `I am circle with radius ${rad}`,
  Rectangle: ({xlen, ylen}) => `I am rectangle with sides ${xlen} and ${ylen}`

const descriptions =
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gcanti profile image
Giulio Canti

Check this out

christiantakle profile image
Christian Takle

There is a small typo and don't know if one can submit a change to a post.

const fold = <A, R>(fa: Option<A>, onNone: () => R, onSome: (a: A) => R): R =>
  fa.type === 'None' ? onNone() : onSome(fa.value)
onNone: () => R

The following code block declare:

const s = fold(head([]), 'Empty array', a => String(a))

Its should have been:

const s = fold(head([]), () => 'Empty array', a => String(a))
christopheriolo profile image
Christophe Riolo

Are you aware of ReasonML, which have real support for ADTs and pattern matching? πŸ™‚

theodesp profile image
Theofanis Despoudis

ReasonML is way more readable...

rametta profile image

Great article, well written!

lovesponge profile image

Straight and to the point, great writing.
Question, is a 'Maybe' the equivalent to a 'Option' or an 'Either' in your example?

gcanti profile image
Giulio Canti

Maybe is equivalent toΒ Option