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Gene Da Rocha
Gene Da Rocha

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#113 Python and Sentiment Analysis: Techniques and Tools

Sentiment analysis helps understand what people think and feel through their words. Python has many tools for working with this kind of data. This makes it easier for people who study data or make software to figure out what customers and others are saying.

Sentiment Analysis Python


Key Takeaways:

  • Python offers a wide range of libraries for sentiment analysis.

  • Sentiment analysis is valuable for understanding customer feelings and thoughts.

  • Sentiment analysis libraries have tools like polarity detection and sentiment lexicons.

  • Python libraries for sentiment analysis include Pattern, VADER, BERT, TextBlob, spaCy, CoreNLP, scikit-learn, Polyglot, PyTorch, and Flair.

  • These tools help companies make smart choices with the help of what customers and others say online.


Pattern is a cool Python library. It helps in many areas like natural language processing. It's great for data mining and even machine learning. Plus, it's good for network analysis and making data visual.

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One big thing Pattern does is sentiment analysis. It looks at text and figures out if it's positive or negative. For example, it sees if a review is really happy or very sad. This helps you know how personal or factual the text is too.

This makes Pattern useful in many ways. You can understand what people think from their feedback. It helps check if social media feels good or bad about something. And it's perfect for looking at reviews to see what people like or don't like.

Thanks to Pattern, businesses can learn a lot from what customers say. It can help in making choices guided by real data. This improves how companies deal with their customers.

Key Features of Pattern

  • Finding superlatives and comparatives: Pattern finds the best and worst in text. This helps know if something is very good or bad.

  • Fact and opinion detection: Pattern sees if something is a fact or just someone's thought. This makes looking at data more detailed.

  • Polarity and subjectivity analysis : Pattern measures how positive or negative something is. It also shows if it's personal or just the facts.

Pattern has great tools for sentiment analysis. It's key for businesses to understand text data. Its power in checking if text is positive or negative is very helpful.

Patterns can really help businesses. It gives a deep look into what customers like and don't like. This can shape how businesses sell things and make customers happy.


For checking feelings in online posts, the VADER tool is very useful. It is in the Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK). VADER stands for "Valence Aware Dictionary and sEntiment Reasoner."

It works well with things like emoticons, slang, and short forms. These are often seen on Twitter and Facebook. VADER helps know if the feeling in a text is positive, negative, or okay.

It tells you how strong the feeling is in numbers. This helps people understand the feelings in a post better. It's great for looking at what people think on social sites.

This is very helpful for businesses. They can use it to see what people are saying about them on social media. This info can help them improve and make better choices. So, social media sentiment analysis is really important for companies.

Here is how VADER works, with two examples:

"I absolutely love this product! It exceeded my expectations and I highly recommend it!"

Sentiment: Positive

"This movie was the worst! I couldn't stand the plot and the acting was terrible."

Sentiment: Negative

VADER makes understanding feelings on social media easier. It's very good at knowing the real meaning of text. This is great for businesses, giving them important details.


When talking about sentiment analysis, the BERT library is top-notch. Google made it. It uses deep learning to get language and see the different ways it's used. This makes BERT a great help for lots of NLP jobs, like sentiment analysis.

"BERT: A deep learning model that revolutionizes sentiment analysis with its language understanding and data pattern recognition."

The magic of BERT is how it gets what words mean in context. This analyzes feelings more on point. BERT uses something called a transformer. It looks at the whole sentence and its meaning. That way, it's better at predicting feelings than older models that just looked at separate words.

Because BERT has trained on so much text, it understands lots of words and ways to say things. This makes it good with many different types of writing. It’s not thrown off by big chunks of text either.

BERT is easy to adjust for different jobs with its fine-tuning feature. This lets people tweak BERT to work better for the task at hand. When it's fine-tuned, BERT's predictions about feelings are right on target for that specific issue or place.


Sentence Sentiment Prediction "The movie was fantastic, I loved every minute of it!" Positive "I'm disappointed with the customer service I received." Negative "The product is good, but it could use some improvements." Neutral

BERT is super for figuring out how people feel in all sorts of areas. Like online shopping, checking social media, or looking at what people say about a company. It helps these places understand what customers think. Then, they can make choices that help them do better.

BERT is such a big help because it does its job well. It makes picking up on feelings more right. This shows how powerful BERT is for sentiment analysis.


The TextBlob library is great for feeling study with Python. It gives many features for working with written data. It helps a lot in looking into sentences, parts, or whole writings.

TextBlob is special because it sees how words feel by their polarities and subjectivities. It checks if the text is more positive or negative. This way, it's easy to tell what the text means. The score is between -1 (very bad) and 1 (very good) for feelings. The 0 to 1 score shows how personal the text is.

If you need to understand how people feel from their words, TextBlob can help. It is good for reading what people say online or in reviews.

TextBlob makes feeling study easy with Python. Both beginners and experts like it for its simple power.

TextBlob also does many other things with text, like telling what words do (part-of-speech tagging). It can also pull out key parts of texts and can even translate them. So, it's really useful for many text jobs.

It's a good start for anyone wanting to work with words or study how people feel from what they write. The way to use it and learn about it is simple and clear. It fits both new and already skilled people. Maybe you work with talks about customers, look at the web's mood, or find ideas in texts; TextBlob is a good choice.

TextBlob Features:

  • Sentiment analysis based on polarities and subjectivities

  • Part-of-speech tagging

  • Noun phrase extraction

  • Language Translation

Comparison Table: Sentiment Analysis Libraries

Library Features Level of Complexity Language Support TextBlob Sentiment analysis, part-of-speech tagging, noun phrase extraction, language translation Beginner-friendly 136 languages Pattern Polarity and subjectivity analysis , fact and opinion detection Intermediate English VADER Lexicon-based sentiment analysis, support for emoticons and slangs Intermediate English BERT Deep learning model , fine-tuning for sentiment analysis Advanced Multiple languages


The spaCy library is great for working with lots of text. It helps figure out how people feel about things. Many people who work with words use it because it's quick and useful.

This tool is good for understanding what texts mean. It reads feelings well from many places like emails or social media. It can tell you how folks are feeling about stuff online.

It's perfect for checking what consumers say or how social media feels about topics. Anyone can use it because it's free. It is also strong enough to study huge pieces of text.

Key Features of spaCy:

  • Efficient and high-performance text processing

  • Advanced tokenization, lemmatization, and part-of-speech tagging

  • Dependency parsing and named entity recognition

  • Support for multiple languages

  • Deep learning integration for enhanced accuracy

  • Straightforward integration with other Python libraries and frameworks

spaCy helps a lot with understanding text and feelings. It is very good for working with many languages. And it connects well with other tools.

You can look deeply into what people are saying with spaCy. It's not hard to use, and it gives you smart results to use in your work.

Advantages of spaCy Limitations of spaCy

  • Fast and efficient text processing

  • Open-source library

  • Accurate sentiment analysis

  • Easy integration with other Python libraries

  • Support for multiple languages

  • Requires Python programming knowledge

  • Limited availability of pre-trained models for sentiment analysis

  • May require additional customization for specific use cases

  • The steep learning curve for beginners


The CoreNLP library is great for understanding feelings. It uses Stanford NLP tools to look at language and emotions. CoreNLP has tools for checking the mood in writing, in many different languages.

CoreNLP is super because it works well with many languages. It checks how people feel in English, Arabic, German, Chinese, French, and Spanish. It helps companies understand what people from different places are saying.

You can add CoreNLP to your Python setup. It helps with checking how writing feels without a lot of work. Also, you can teach it to know emotions better, to fit your needs.

"CoreNLP joins language and emotion checking in a smooth way. It knows many languages and has lots of features. This makes it perfect for understanding emotion from text."

With CoreNLP, you can do a lot to check people's feelings from their writing. You can find out if they are happy, sad, or feel something else. This can help understand what customers, or others, really think and feel.

Adding CoreNLP to your work can make finding deep meaning in writing easier. It's useful for understanding what people say on social media, in reviews, and other writing forms.

Sentiment Analysis with CoreNLP: Example Code

This is how you can use CoreNLP for sentiment analysis in Python:

from nltk.sentiment import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer

def analyze_sentiment(text):
    sid = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer()
    sentiment_scores = sid.polarity_scores(text)

    sentiment_category = max(sentiment_scores, key=sentiment_scores.get)

    if sentiment_category == 'pos':
        return 'Positive'
    elif sentiment_category == 'neg':
        return 'Negative'
        return 'Neutral'

text = "I loved the new product. It exceeded my expectations!"
sentiment = analyze_sentiment(text)
print(sentiment) # Output: Positive

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This code uses NLTK's SentimentIntensityAnalyzer. It finds the feelings in the text with the help of CoreNLP. This way, it knows if the feelings are positive, negative, or something else.

Library Language Support Key Features CoreNLP English, Arabic, German, Chinese, French, Spanish, and more Linguistic analysis , sentiment polarity detection , subjectivity analysis


The scikit-learn library in Python helps with sentiment analysis using machine learning. Many experts and scientists like to use it. It has many tools and algorithms for this job.

Scikit-learn has a lot of classifiers. You can train them to tell the feelings in text right. This is great for understanding how people feel in their reviews, posts, or feedback.

It also has ways to turn text into useful numbers. These numbers show what makes the text unique. Then, the computer can understand and find feelings well. This step is very important for analyzing feelings.

This library is very flexible. It's not just for figuring out feelings. It can do many language tasks well. Like, knowing if a message is spam or finding emotions in images.

Many fields use scikit-learn, such as marketing and finance. It shows that scikit-learn is good and can be trusted.

Using scikit-learn can help a business understand what people feel. This is by looking closely at the words people use online. Then, making choices based on these insights can make customers happier.

Enjoy the benefits of scikit-learn's intelligence and feature skills in your projects. Let scikit-learn help you do great with understanding feelings in texts.


Polyglot helps with sentiment analysis through Python. It's fast for many languages. This makes it great for understanding global feelings in text.

It understands sentiment in over 136 languages. For businesses worldwide, it's a key tool. It beats other NLP tools in language variety.

Polyglot is quick and accurate. It works well with big text loads. Developers save time and effort using it. They get top results in sentiment analysis.

To understand Polyglot better, let's look at an example:

Polyglot can check feelings in feedback from many languages. It's quick in handling text, and spots feelings well. This helps understand customer opinions in different languages.


Sentiment analysis helps businesses understand how customers feel. With Python, many tools make it easy for anyone to do this. These tools include Pattern, VADER, and others.

Python has tools for both new and experienced users. These tools can find the mood in customer reviews and social media. With this information, businesses can make better choices.

Python tools give important opinions from texts. They help businesses be better and know what customers like or don’t. This makes them more ready to act and meet customer wishes.


What is sentiment analysis?

Sentiment analysis looks at how people feel about what they write.

How does Python help with sentiment analysis?

Python has many libraries for sentiment analysis. These include VADER, BERT, and TextBlob.

What is Pattern?

Pattern is a Python library. It can tell if the text is positive or negative. It also knows if a statement is true or false.

What is VADER?

VADER is a library in Python. It is good with social media. It can tell if text is happy, sad, or okay.

What is BERT?

BERT is a smart tool made by Google. It's good at understanding what people write. It's useful for many things in language learning.

What is TextBlob?

TextBlob is great for beginners in Python. It helps understand feelings in what people write.

What is spaCy?

spaCy helps with understanding many texts at once. It's quick and easy to use for bigger projects.

What is CoreNLP?

CoreNLP can look at feelings in many languages. It uses special tools for reading emotions in text.

What is scikit-learn?

scikit-learn is for teaching computers to understand emotions in text. It uses smart ways to learn from what is written.

What is Polyglot?

Polyglot works with many languages in Python. It is fast and works on lots of different tasks.

Why is sentiment analysis important?

It helps businesses understand how their customers feel. This can lead to better decisions based on what people write on the internet.

Which Python library should I use for sentiment analysis?

It depends on what you need. There are many libraries like Pattern or VADER, each with its own good points.

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