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Cover image for Gemika’s Enchanted Guide to Iris Dataset with Magic and Machine Learning 🌟🧙‍♂️ (Part #5)
gerry leo nugroho
gerry leo nugroho

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Gemika’s Enchanted Guide to Iris Dataset with Magic and Machine Learning 🌟🧙‍♂️ (Part #5)

Greetings, my daring young conjurers! I’m Professor Gerry Leo Nugroho, your trusty guide through the wilds of data wizardry at Hogwarts, and a close pal of the wise Albus Dumbledore. Last time, we gazed into the Mirror of Erised, uncovering friendships and rivalries among the Iris Dataset’s petals and sepals—patterns glowing like a Quidditch scoreboard! 🌸 Now, my little Gryffindor dragon-tamer, Gemika Haziq Nugroho, and I are stomping off to Hagrid’s hut. Our scroll’s a bit wild—like a dragon fresh from the Forbidden Forest—and it’s time to tame it for bigger spells! 🏡✨

Chapter 5. Dragon Taming: Prepping the Data for Spells 🐉🪄

Picture this: we’re huddled in Hagrid’s cozy hut, the fire crackling, a baby Norwegian Ridgeback snuffling in the corner. “Blimey, Professor Gerry,” Hagrid booms, “this Iris scroll’s wilder than Fang after a bath!” He’s right—our Iris Dataset might have sneaky gaps or numbers too rowdy for our magic. Today, we’re dragon tamers, using preprocessing spells to clean and calm it down! 🌺 We’ll scrub away messes and balance its scales, making it as ready as a freshly groomed Hippogriff for the grand magic ahead. Roar—let’s get started! 🐾🪄

5.1 The Code & Algorithm: Preprocessing with Pandas and Scalers

Let’s grab our wands (or Jupyter Lab) and cast some taming spells with pandas and StandardScaler. These are like calming charms for a rambunctious dataset! Here’s the magic, with a nod to my brave Gemika:

import pandas as pd  # 📜 Summon our data-wrangling spellbook!
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris  # 🌿 Summon the wild Iris scroll!
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler  # 📏 Prepare to tame wild numbers!

# 🏹 Summoning the legendary Iris dataset from the depths of sklearn!
iris = load_iris()

# 📖 Transcribe the ancient scroll into a DataFrame for easier spellcasting
iris_df = pd.DataFrame(, columns=iris.feature_names)  # 🌿 Feature columns (sepal & petal measurements)
iris_df['species'] = pd.Categorical.from_codes(, iris.target_names)  # 🏷️ Assign species names!

# 🕵️‍♂️ Spell 1: Sniffing out missing values—like detecting dragon claw marks!
print("Any gaps in our scroll? 🧐")
print(iris_df.isnull().sum())  # 🔍 Count missing values in each column

# 🔧 Fixing gaps (if any)—casting the mighty Reparo charm! 🪄
# (Iris is usually well-behaved, but let’s ensure it stays that way!)
iris_df.fillna(iris_df.mean(numeric_only=True), inplace=True)  # 🩹 Patch missing spots with column mean

# ✨ Spell 2: Scaling the numbers—like sharpening dragon claws for fair battles!
scaler = StandardScaler()  # 🧙‍♂️ Calling upon the mystical StandardScaler!
scaled_features = scaler.fit_transform(iris_df.drop('species', axis=1))  # 🌀 Scale all numerical columns (excluding species)
iris_scaled = pd.DataFrame(scaled_features, columns=iris.feature_names)  # 📏 Store tamed values in a new scroll

# 📜 Behold the tamed beast! Let’s peek at its refined form!
print("\nOur tamed Iris scroll: 🌟")
print(iris_scaled.head())  # 👀 Preview the transformed dataset
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

5.1.1 What’s Roaring Here?

  • .isnull().sum(): Sniffs out missing bits—like checking if a dragon’s lost a scale. (Spoiler: Our Iris is perfect—no gaps!)🌟
  • .fillna(): A quick fix if we found holes—filling them with averages, like patching a torn cloak with Reparo!✨
  • StandardScaler: Balances the numbers so no trait’s too loud—like trimming a dragon’s claws to keep it fair. Big sepal lengths (5.1 cm) and tiny petal widths (0.2 cm) now play nicely together!🔥

Run this, and you’ll see:

Any gaps in our scroll? 🧐
sepal length (cm)    0
sepal width (cm)     0
petal length (cm)    0
petal width (cm)     0
species              0
dtype: int64

Our tamed Iris scroll: 🌟
   sepal length (cm)  sepal width (cm)  petal length (cm)  petal width (cm)
0          -0.900681          1.019004          -1.340227         -1.315444
1          -1.143017         -0.131979          -1.340227         -1.315444
2          -1.385353          0.328414          -1.397064         -1.315444
3          -1.506521          0.098217          -1.283389         -1.315444
4          -1.021849          1.249201          -1.340227         -1.315444
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Gemika Haziq Nugroho - Gerry Leo Nugroho - Figure 02

Look at that! Numbers tamed and ready—like a dragon purring by the fire! Ah, young sorcerer! You have summoned the Iris scroll and peered into its ancient, botanical mysteries. Let us decipher the cryptic messages hidden within its numbers—like unraveling a prophecy foretold in the stars! ✨🔮

5.1.2 🕵️‍♂️ The Missing Scroll Pieces (Null Check)

When we whispered, "Any gaps in our scroll?", the dataset responded with a stoic silence—each column declared zero missing values. No ink smudges, no dragon scratches, no vanishing spells gone wrong. This means our Iris scroll is intact, unblemished, and free from the mischievous tampering of poltergeists (or data corruption).

But fear not! Even if a ghostly void had appeared, our trusty Reparo charm (filling missing values with column means) would have mended it—much like how Hermione once fixed Harry’s glasses with a flick of her wand. 🔍✨

5.1.3 ⚖️ The Great Number Taming (Scaling)

Ah, now we reach the moment of transformation! Much like a young wizard learning to control their wild magic, our numerical values were raw, untamed, and of varying magnitudes—sepal lengths towering over petal widths, creating an imbalance in their power.

With the legendary StandardScaler spell, we have brought all values under a single equilibrium. Gone are the towering digits and meek fractions—now, every number stands proudly within a standardized range, their mean at zero and their variance at one. 🌀⚡

Why does this matter? Ah, dear reader, imagine Hogwarts students competing in a Quidditch match, but one team rides broomsticks while the other walks on foot! Unfair, isn't it? By scaling our dataset, we ensure a fair and balanced competition for all measurements—so no sepal is unfairly advantaged over a petal!

5.1.4 📜 A Glimpse into the Tamed Iris Scroll

At last, we unveil the transformed data—a neatly aligned, standardized numerical scroll. If you glance at the first few rows, you'll notice:

  1. Each column’s values now hover near zero, with some small fluctuations.
  2. Some values are positive (above average), while others are negative (below average)—but all within a manageable range.
  3. The wild, inconsistent numbers have been tamed into a format perfect for further enchantments, such as machine learning models, sorting spells, or predictive potions!

5.1.5 🔮 What Does This Mean for the Grand Journey Ahead?

With our Iris scroll now cleansed and balanced, we stand at the precipice of true sorcery. We can wield this refined data to classify species with mystical accuracy, uncover hidden patterns, or perhaps—if you dare—train a magical model to predict the unknown.

This, dear sorcerer, is but the beginning of your journey into the enchanted lands of data science. The scrolls whisper of future adventures—visualizations that reveal patterns like the Marauder’s Map, clustering spells to group flowers like Sorting Hat decisions, and classification models as sharp as the quill of Rita Skeeter.

But for now, let us bask in our victory. The Iris scroll is tamed, and you, young wizard, are ready for the next great incantation. 🧙‍♂️✨

5.2 Hogwarts Application: Brewing Polyjuice Perfection

Imagine Professor Snape glaring over his cauldron, hissing, “Nugroho, prep these Polyjuice ingredients—or it’s detention!” We’d check for missing lacewings (like gaps in data), grind the boomslang skin to equal bits (scaling), and ensure every pinch is perfect. Just like taming our Iris scroll, we’d make the potion smooth and strong—ready to turn Harry into Goyle or Gemika into a Slytherin (heaven forbid!). Our preprocessing spells ensure no hiccups—pure potion magic! 🧪👃✨

5.3 Gemika’s Quiz Time! 🧑‍🚀

My little Gemika, clutching a toy dragon, peers up at me. “Abi,” he asks, “how do we tame the messy Iris data?” I grin—he’s fiercer than a Norwegian Ridgeback! Pick your answer, young tamers:

  • A) Wave a wand and shout Expelliarmus to zap the mess away.
  • B) Fill missing bits and scale numbers—like brushing a dragon’s scales.
  • C) Feed it to Fang and hope he spits out something neat.

Scribble your guess or roar it out—Gemika’s ready to cheer! (Hint: Think Hagrid’s hut, not a duel!)

5.4 Next Chapter: Sorting the Dragons

Saddle up your broomsticks, because next we’re splitting our tamed dataset—like sorting dragons into pens for a wizard duel! We’ll use a magical charm to divide it into training and testing, setting the stage for spellbinding predictions. It’ll be so exciting, even Hagrid might dance a jig! 🐉⚡✨

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