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My first program

Hello, readers -- I am a lawyer looking to expand my skillset -- I wrote my first program this evening and was hoping for frank and honest feedback (following CodeAcademy prompts).

It is a program designed to advise a claimant on how to frame his/her claim for damages, i.e. it provides a specific type of legal advice in the field of commercial contracts disputes.

Please let me know what you think! Happy to chat about this more etc.

Thank you for reading

Top comments (2)

edersalos profile image
Eder Salas Osorio

Hi, good start, oriented to your profession, I think the resolution could be in a function since then you can scale it to more income variables, but, good start

cariad profile image
Cariad Eccleston

Hey! Congratulations on writing your first code!

There are so many different ways you could take this, but the first principle of code is make it work and you nailed it. 😀