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Michelle Duke for GitHub

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Get involved in Open Source - interview with WordPress

You might have seen our GitHub Twitch channel has been a lot more active. We've been running a bunch of fun sessions and you won't want to miss out. Recently, we spoke to Gary Pendergast from WordPress. Here's a peak at what we chatted about.

WordPress and React

Gary has been working on WordPress for years as one of their core contributors and maintainers. We wanted to chat with Gary to find out more in particular about Gutenberg. It's the WordPress block-based editor. And it's been powering WordPress' post editor since WordPress 5.0. That's since 2018! Gutenberg is built on top of React, which is built on Facebook's React library. So everything you read here is open source. Which makes it awesome!

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Image: Blog Pros

Interview with Gary

When we spoke with Gary we wanted to find out what it takes to get contributors to a project. If you have a new open source project, how do you attract good developers and great talent? Gary talked us through the WordPress Foundation and some of the projects on WordPress Foundation.

We had the chance to chat about streaming, and a new type of working from home. One of our favourite comments from the interview was around looking good. Gary says he will "wear a suit to look good, not as a daily uniform". Working from home means you can wear whatever you like! LEGO even gets a mention in the interview and lots of other amazing content.

Don't miss out on the next live stream

If you missed the interview, keep an eye out on GitHub's YouTube Channel. Be sure not to miss out on the next Open Source Friday stream. We'll be live on the GitHub Twitch channel. Streams run 2pm Friday AEST for the APAC viewers and 9.30am Friday PT for those in the States.

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