DEV Community

Gaurav Sen
Gaurav Sen

Posted on

WhitePapers Worth Reading

Here are some awesome white papers from Google, Amazon, Meta, and Apache. These white papers are worth your time if you are a software enthusiast or a tech geek.


  1. Google File System
  2. Map Reduce Big Data Algorithm
  3. BigTable NoSQL Document Store
  4. Colossus Next Gen File Store
  5. Megastore Large Object Store
  6. Monarch Time Series DB
  7. Chubby Distributed Lock Management
  8. Spanner Distributed Database
  9. Spanner - CAP theorem considerations
  10. Dapper Tracing System
  11. Borg Cluster Management
  12. Zanzibar Authentication System
  13. Pregel Graph Processing
  14. Napa - Data Warehousing
  15. Napa - Partitioning Algorithm
  16. TensorFlow - Machine Learning at Scale
  17. F1 - Fast Analytics
  18. HALP - YouTube Content Delivery Network
  19. Mesa - Data Warehousing
  20. Firestore


  1. Amazon Aurora DB Architecture
  2. Dynamo DB NoSQL Database


  1. Foundation DB NewSQL database
  2. Monolith Embedding in real time
  3. Scalability at what COST


  1. Gorilla Time series DB
  2. Cassandra NoSQL DB
  3. FlexiRaft Distributed Concensus Tradeoffs
  4. Memcache In-memory Cache
  5. Millisampler Network Sampling
  6. TAO Graph Database
  7. MineSweeper - Root Cause Analysis
  8. Prophet - Forecasting at Scale
  9. ShardManager
  10. Hive - Map Reduce Jobs
  11. Thrift - Definition Language
  12. Twine - Unified Cluster Management System
  13. ServiceRouter - Hyperscale and Servicemesh from Meta


  1. Hadoop File System
  2. Kafka Event Bus
  3. Flink

Whitepapers have the benefit of discussing practical implementation details and the related tradeoffs to engineering products.

The best engineers worldwide have written them after years of work, so don't miss any of them!

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