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Glenn Henderson
Glenn Henderson

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What is UAT and What are its different types?

"Software testing is having a crucial role in ensuring product quality. It has various phases, and each phase is having huge importance, and especially the last testing phase. The last testing phase is User Acceptance Testing (UAT). This testing helps in identifying the bugs that are left in before phases and effectively validates whether the developed software is meeting the requirements of the clients and users or not. It is having significant importance, and enterprises have to practice it effectively to deliver quality-assured software."

The developed applications can be termed successful when they are able to meet the requirements of users and their clients. But, what if the developed software fails to succeed in these requirements. This may be due to the lack of User Acceptance Testing (UAT) practice and it can lead dissatisfaction among the users and clients. Hence, UAT is very important in software testing.

UAT is effectively practiced after the completion of functional, system, and regression testing. Also, practicing UAT testing not helps in validating the business requirements, it even helps in identifying bugs that are left in the before testing practice, assures to move a fully developed application for production, etc. Hence, UAT is essential for enterprises, and teams need to practice it in the best way with complete knowledge.

What is UAT Testing?

UAT is the lasting testing stage in the software testing process. It is having a huge importance as this helps in validating whether the software is performing with respect to the business requirements and user needs. The validation process is generally carried out either by the business or the end-users, who are having knowledge about the requirements and functionalities the software has to possess.

UAT is commonly known as end-user testing, application testing, and beta testing. Also, it is further divided into different types.

What are the different types of UAT Testing?

Alpha and Beta Testing: Alpha testing is practiced in the early development phase. In this testing practice, the potential user groups practice this testing before releasing the software for their users. This testing practice effectively helps in fixing the bugs and improving the product quality by the end-users.

Beta Testing is practiced in the customer environment, and the feedback obtained from the customers helps to enhance the quality of the software.

Contract Acceptance Testing (CAT): In this UAT testing type, the developed software is testing by considering the specifications and criteria that are discussed earlier during the contract.

Regulation Acceptance Testing (RAT): RAT is also known as Compliance Acceptance Testing and this method is performed to validate whether the developed application is complying with rules and regulations that are mentioned by the government agencies.

Black-box Testing: In this UAT testing type, the teams analyze the functionalities of the application by being unaware of the internal code structure. It is effectively performed in order to validate whether the software is meeting the business needs or not.

Operational Acceptance Testing (OAT): This UAT testing type is also known as Production Acceptance Testing, and this helps in assuring reliability, compatibility, stability, etc., of the developed software.

Business Acceptance Testing (BAT): This UAT testing type helps in validating whether the developed software is meeting the needs and specifications that are set by the business.


The above-mentioned information is about UAT and the different types of UAT testing. Each UAT testing type is having an important role as they help in validating the business standards, business requirements, identify the bugs left in before stages, etc. Hence, teams are required to practice UAT with the best UAT practices to deliver quality-assured products. Leverage UAT testing services from independent QA testing teams in order to make sure that your developed software is quality-oriented before production.

About the Author:

I am a technical content writer, interested in writing articles on the latest IT related topics. In this article, I tried to share my views on UAT and the different types of UAT testing.

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