DEV Community

How to retry when React lazy fails

Guilherme Oenning on November 19, 2018

React 16.6 has been released and it's now easier than ever to do code split within our React applications by using lazy and Suspense. If you don't...
maininfection profile image
Ricardo Machado

Hi Guilherme,

The reason for failing to download might be related to a recent deployment which changes the chunk hash and/or order number.

Also, don't forget to return the retry on the catch. Otherwise whoever gets the first retry cannot get the rejected error.

nice helper πŸ‘

debo07 profile image
Debajit Majumder

Could you please elaborate on this - "The reason for failing to download might be related to a recent deployment which changes the chunk hash and/or order number."?

I believe I am facing similar issue where just after a new deployment I able to see blank page with this console error.

Uncaught (in promise) Error: Loading chunk 7 failed.
at HTMLScriptElement.i (bootstrap:120)

0xdevalias profile image
Glenn 'devalias' Grant

I would suggest having a look at this blog and/or StackOverflow answer, as I feel they better describe the problem (and the 'why' of it), as well as providing some better solutions:

As Ricardo mentioned above in this ChunkLoadError generally tends to happen when pushing new code, while the client's browser still has the old/outdated 'list of chunks' cached.

goenning profile image
Guilherme Oenning

I don't think you need to do that. If the second retries fails, you get a new error, which is likely to be the same as the first retry error. But maybe I misunderstood your argument.

maininfection profile image
Ricardo Machado

Ahhh I mislooked the last retry line. It actually passes the resolve and reject from the initial promise.


rainydaydy profile image

when use contenthash, if your file don't change, but add a new route, the chunkId will change,so the bundle is change but the filename doesn't change, when load chunk 1, the resource's chunkId maybe 2, so load chunk failed

azrizhaziq profile image
Azriz Jasni • Edited

Nice helpers, there is a simple mistake on your code

  // from 
  retry(fn, interval, retriesLeft - 1).then(resolve, reject);

  // to
  retry(fn, retriesLeft - 1, interval).then(resolve, reject);


goenning profile image
Guilherme Oenning

Nice catch! Thank you πŸ™

lordlp profile image

Hi, maybe somebody could help me. I'm trying to use this example to avoid problems with chunk loading. But, in my case, it doesn't work. I have an error - Uncaught null. And I can't find a way how to resolve it. In this project, we are using react-router-config. And we are rendering routs like renderRoutes(this.props.routes).

jacobmgevans profile image
Jacob Evans

My suggestion is to create a "repro"

It will help others help you 😁

goenning profile image
Guilherme Oenning

Maybe not, but that'll depend a lot from one app to another. This is just one solution to the problem.

We actually mix both. We retry 5 times with a 500ms interval, if it still fails, then the ErrorBoundary catches the error and show a generic error page. I think that 2.5 sec is not that long if we can avoid having the user seeing an unnecessary error page.

aditya_2911 profile image
M ADITYA • Edited

Thumbs up for this post. But I have a question as to when you are loading this new chunk...
for example: after a new deployment on the server, you definitely would fetch the updated chunk with the retries, but what about the initial bundle thats already been fetched (that stale bundle wouldn't be updated with the new bundle deployed right?). This could potentially lead to problems such as the newly fetched chunk being incompatible with the old bundle, etc.

0xdevalias profile image
Glenn 'devalias' Grant

I would suggest having a look at this blog and/or StackOverflow answer, as I feel they better describe the problem (and the 'why' of it), as well as providing some better solutions:

As Ricardo mentioned above in this ChunkLoadError generally tends to happen when pushing new code, while the client's browser still has the old/outdated 'list of chunks' cached.

eschiebel profile image
Ed Schiebel • Edited

if the if (retriesLeft === 1) { block was moved above the setTimeout, the user wouldn't have to wait another interval for the final rejection.

carpben profile image
Ben Carp

Checking your logs, can you say if this solution reduced the number of loading errors and by how much (in percentage)?

psuranas profile image
Prateek Surana

Awesome helper function.

Can you please also tell me how can I use it with react-loadable, because the loader doesn't expect a promise actually, it expects the import function?

kenshinman profile image
Kehinde Orilogbon

Honestly, this works for me. I have an app that is being used in a place with very slow network. This has helped me solve my client's problem. thanks @goenning

pranavtheway profile image
Pranav Dave

Thank You so much for bringing this... but this solution perfectly fine in Chrome but it doesnt work in IE11, The retry doesnt happen at all... what could be the reason behind this behaviour!!??

hugoliconv profile image

I'm getting these errors too but I'm not sure how they are shown to the user. Do you have an idea?

snesjhon profile image
Jhon Paredes

Hi Guilherme, I’m wondering how you ended up testing this implementation.

Did you slow down your network using dev tools or manually forced a network fail?

goenning profile image
Guilherme Oenning

Yes, I forced it to be offline (using Chrome). Wait for like 2 seconds and put it back online πŸ˜€