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Gokul E
Gokul E

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Cucumber (BDD) is good for Software Testing?

Hello guys it’s been a very long time and I’m very happy to connect with you with this blog about cucumber BDD.

Cucumber Testing
Cucumber BDD is a testing tool for software tester who are working along side with developers. BDD means “Behavior Driven Development”.
Cucumber provides easily understandable testing scripts that even non-technical people also understand.

The reason behind that is it uses “Gherkins Language” or in other words it uses a very normal English which we using for communication every single day.

You know because of that it mainly used for acceptance testing and part of automation testing too.
I thought of learning a new tool takes lot of days and difficult but you know what you won’t believe me that I learned this in just 2 days entirely.
Even you and all of us can learn in less that 2 days and of course if you have know English. It is also not hard at all.

BDD is behavior driven development which is a framework that base is functionality of the application. It file consist is filename.feature file.
Cucumber tool was really written in RUBY Programming language which I don’t know anything about this ah ah ah. Now It can support lot of other languages like almost every single one platform.

Cucumber tool is fast and easy to understand also understands java, python, ruby, typescript and more. It gives us end to end testing framework.
It understands the even plain English as testcases.

As I mention earlier feature file is doing very big role as storing a test scenarios and can be executed from the feature file of course. Each functionality have it’s own feature file.

For example,
Feature: Login Page
Scenario: Login Functionality
Given user navigates to the website
And user logs in by using email id as “” and password as “Password123”
Then user should be login successful.

We can also use more that one scenarios in this file as well.
There are tag that we can control the work flow of the testing like “@module1” and whatever we want to.

You may think if cucumber understands a normal English then why it requires a gherkins language then?
It is because gherkins language gives a a specific keywords to the scripts to understand more.
Those keywords are,

Just like we seen in the last example.

Maybe another time I’ll tell about cucumber with code example and test cases and test scenario has already explained in my other articles. See you guys later.

Thank you and happy learning………….

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