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Is it true that PHP is a dying language?

Is PHP dying?

The evolution of PHP is done because of the backend purposes, that made it easy for the programmers to understand the customer requirement and at least it is sorted that many problems related to the backend purposes, almost 79 percent of the websites are using PHP around the world, it shows that the for example that there are 20 websites and out of these websites 18 websites are developed by PHP.

The main reason also is that the it is used by the content management system (CMS) that is WordPress.

It is a main server side language which is created by rasmus Lerdorf, the PHP is the open source programming language and fast executing language which is most used by the programmers around the world for their projects and companies, around most of the websites and web applications are built in PHP, such as Facebook, Wikipedia, Tumblr, Slack, Mail Chimp, Etsy, WordPress.

It is the main support of the website, without it the maintenance of the website is not possible, as it is called the multilevel scripting language which is used to make dynamic and creative website, the PHP can add within the html code without calling any external file or any other file.

It is also used by the cyber experts for the different cybercrimes for example
• Phishing
• Cyber extortion
• Data breach
• Identify theft

The projects made in PHP:
1. Clothes recommendation system
2. Fake review identification
3. Online examination system
4. College management system
5. Review management system

*Brief intro on PHP

PHP is not going anywhere but it will stay for longer to, because of the demanding among the large tech companies.
Even in small websites and large websites the use of PHP is applaud able.
Server side language which provides the server side scripting needs a server which is open licensed to download.
Updations of tool and any other feature in PHP is easy to download

The PHP have following functions which can seem without any discrepancy; -
• Dynamic website
• CRUD- Create, Read, Update, Delete
• through the form the user can submit the data
• operations in the encrypted way.

The PHP has various advantages: -
• It is Simple
• Have fast execution
• Have flexibility
• Stable
• Code is understandable
• Easy development
• Helps to retain logics

The following examples in the explanation way:
• PHP has cross platform applications, executing on different OS like Windows, MAC OS, LINUX
• It is compatible with modern server’s Xamp and Wamp
• It has feature of open source and free to use
• Server side scripting which can be run on web server
The PHP comes with various frameworks, such as Symphony, Code igniter, larval, Joomla, WordPress, these all are based truly on PHP and which have code updating from time to time.
The PHP is the most trustable programming language to learn because it is the main backend language which is require to provide functionality to the developer that how database is connected with the backend language as it requires a web server on which PHP is executed in the form of script.

PHP is important in web development training involves some points that need to noticed: -
• Easy to learn backend language
• Open to source language
• Easy to adaptable
• Community support is large
• Secure and fast
• Have easily databases connection
• Tried and tested

It is shows that it is not going anywhere, most of the websites are developed by PHP along with it the company is using PHP frameworks and its library which shows that PHP is not going anywhere and it used as the most trustable language in the development projects.

I hope this blog will be helpful for you. So, if you are interested in PHP language then should learn PHP course in Rohini from web development institute in Delhi.

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