DEV Community

Leo Kalshteyn
Leo Kalshteyn

Posted on

Intro to Evergreen UI

Evergreen UI is another React framework that is geared towards web products. It consists of a set of components that work out of the box. Flexible & compostable. Evergreen components are built on top of a React UI Primitive for endless composability. It can also be used for enterprise-grade web apps. Evergreen’s design is light, simple, and intuitive. You can use it to get started building elegant user interfaces pretty quickly.


In your terminal:

npm install --save evergreen-ui


Example of an Evergreen UI button

Import the button in the app:

import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import { Button } from 'evergreen-ui'
  <Button>I am using 🌲 Evergreen!</Button>,

export default App;  
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Theming Examples

Wrapping in the ThemeProvider component is required for styling and in order to use the ThemeProvider component, the user must pass it a value prop that is a Theme object.

Here is an example of the ThemeProvider overriding the default styles:

const newTheme = {
  spinnerColor: 'hotpink'

const ThemedApp = () => (
  <ThemeProvider value={newTheme}>
    <Spinner />

render(<ThemedApp />)
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An example of nested theming where it is possible to theme certain parts of the app differently by nesting the ThemeProvider components.

const parentTheme = {
  spinnerColor: 'hotpink'

const childTheme = {
  spinnerColor: 'blue'

const ThemedParent = ({ children }) => (
  <ThemeProvider value={parentTheme}>
    <Spinner />
    { children }

const ThemedChild = () => (
  <ThemeProvider value={childTheme}>
    <Spinner />

    <ThemedChild />
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withTheme allows you to easily pass the theme object down to your components.

const theme = {
  myNewButtonStyles: {
    color: 'white',
    backgroundColor: 'hotpink',
    height: 30,
    borderRadius: '5px',

const ThemedApp = ({ children }) => (
  <ThemeProvider value={theme}>
    { children }

const MyNewButton = ({ theme }) => (
  <button style={theme.myNewButtonStyles}>
    Custom styled button

const MyNewThemedButton = withTheme(MyNewButton)

    <MyNewThemedButton />
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This is just a brief overview of Evergreen UI and its theming features. On the official site, you can read more on how to customize components layouts, typography, colors, icons and more.


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