Latest episodes

Play with Go
Go Time,
The secret life of gophers
Go Time,
When distributed systems Go wrong
Go Time,
What would you remove from Go?
Go Time,
How Go helped save
Go Time,
GitHub's Go-powered CLI
Go Time,
Go Time,
Introducing your team to Go
Go Time,
Cloud Native Go
Go Time,
There's a lot to learn about teaching Go
Go Time,
The one with Brad Fitzpatrick
Go Time,
Community Q&A
Go Time,
Hits of the Summer
Go Time,
Go Time,
Building desktop apps with Go + web tech
Go Time,
Go Time,
All about that infra(structure)
Go Time,
Go Time,
The latest on Generics
Go Time,
The future of Testify
Go Time,
Your first week with Go
Go Time,
Focusing in on PostgreSQL
Go Time,
Go in production at
Go Time,
We have regrets
Go Time,
Go Time,
Reflection and meta programming
Go Time,
The trouble with databases
Go Time,
On community and safety
Go Time,
Challenges of distributed messaging systems
Go Time,