Latest episodes

Immediate mode GUIs
Go Time,
WebRTC in Go
Go Time,
The monolith vs microservices debate
Go Time,
Organizing for the community
Go Time,
Enterprise Go?
Go Time,
Go Time,
The Zen of Go
Go Time,
It is Go Time!
Go Time,
Pow! Pow! Power tools!
Go Time,
On the verge of new AI possibilities
Go Time,
Stop the presses
Go Time,
Quack like a wha-?
Go Time,
Telemetry and the art of measuring what matters
Go Time,
Unusual uses for Go: GUIs
Go Time,
Go Time,
Cloudy with a chance of Kelsey Hightower
Go Time,
Go at Heroku
Go Time,
Go at Cloudflare
Go Time,
defer GoTime()
Go Time,
Bugs are in the air
Go Time,
The fireside edition 🔥
Go Time,
Concurrency, parallelism, and async design
Go Time,
Graph databases
Go Time,
Compilers and interpreters
Go Time,
Code editors and language servers
Go Time,
Kubernetes and Cloud Native
Go Time,
Building search tools in Go
Go Time,
All about caching
Go Time,
On application design
Go Time,