DEV Community

Discussion on: Improving Skip Navigation on DEV

grahamthedev profile image
GrahamTheDev • Edited

I would imagine the fix for this would be super simple for a quick fix while a more flexible solution is created:

Add an aria-live region to all pages for site announcements. ID = "ariaLiveDiv";

// page load complete stuff before here

let announcerDiv = document.querySelector("#ariaLiveDiv");

announcerDiv.innerHTML = document.title;

//the focus step after page load

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

It would stop gap the issue while you set more meaningful text for each page (as the titles aren't always the best for things like comments etc but work great for the core part of the site such as articles, reading list, home etc.)

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metamoni profile image
Monica Mateiu

Wow, some interesting discussions here while I was at work. Thank you, @inhuofficial and @s_aitchison , I'm learning a lot from all of this 😄