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Discussion on: Your SSR is slow & your devtools are lying to you

grahamthedev profile image

That is better.

Sadly I am an old school "render it on the server" type of person so I have no recommendations, but perhaps there is a way to "chunk" the page and only render the Markdown that appears above the fold (content visible without scrolling) first and then do the rest in small chunks. That way you won't block the main thread for too long? Just an idea, it might be a nightmare to implement depending on the library you use and your setup.

Either way, 250ms saved on TBT is not to be sniffed at, that is great!

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rxliuli profile image

Eventually, I gave up looking for a smaller library of markdown parsers, and instead converted markdown to html during the build phase to avoid the performance penalty of runtime parsing, and it should perform pretty well on mobile as well.

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grahamthedev profile image

Yeah SSR is the way forward for anything like this, great work hitting that magic 100! It took me longer than 3 hours to fix mine put it like that!

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peerreynders profile image

and instead converted markdown to html during the build phase to avoid the performance penalty of runtime parsing

With Astro you should be able to minimize (or delay) the component JS sent to the client to only what's necessary for interactivity (though the migration would be quite a bit more effort).

For the time being Astro considers itself in early beta (0.25.0) focusing on SSG, expanding later to SSR (one experience report).

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rxliuli profile image