- Spring Boot: Up and Running by Mark Heckler: https://bit.ly/springbootbook
- NODES 2023: https://neo4j.com/nodes-2023
- Building an Educational Chatbot for GraphAcademy with Neo4j Using LLMs and Vector Search: https://medium.com/neo4j/building-an-educational-chatbot-for-graphacademy-with-neo4j-f707c4ce311b
- Livestream: Going Meta Ep 20
- Build a Chatbot for Clinical Trials across Multiple Data Sources: https://medium.com/star-gazers/build-a-chatbot-for-clinical-trials-across-multiple-data-sources-f121211cec98
- GraphAcademy course - Introduction to Neo4j and GraphQL: https://graphacademy.neo4j.com/courses/graphql-basics
- London Data GraphQL (Sep 7)
- GraphQL Conf (Sep 19)
- Creating a Custom Connector in Confluent Cloud to Sink Data to Aura for Real-Time Analysis (Part 2): https://neo4j.com/developer-blog/confluent-cloud-neo4j-auradb-connector-2/
- Build a Movie Database with Neo4j’s Knowledge Graph Sandbox: https://thenewstack.io/build-a-movie-database-with-neo4js-knowledge-graph-sandbox/
- Knowledge Graph from text using LLM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hg4ahTQlBm0
- SDN custom queries/projections: https://www.javacodegeeks.com/2023/08/java-application-with-neo4j-how-to-use-spring-custom-queries-and-projections.html
- Neo4j Live - Movie Recommendations: https://youtube.com/live/wndOSi3i5OY
- Understanding HashGNN in GDS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fccFuyjNEcM
- Google Datacloud Demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dAnPoFV80c
- Neo4j Metadata management of NoSQL sources: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZExin7j8ysE
- Road to NODES training:
- Interactive Dashboarding with NeoDash (Sep 20)
- Graphing Relational Database Models (Sep 27)
- Meetup (virtual/in-person, Austin, TX): Airplane Route Optimization using Neo4j (Sep 13)
- Meetup (Singapore): Intersection of Graph Databases and AI (Sep 20)
- Meetup (Australia): Graph Database Melbourne (Sep 21)
- Meetup (Australia): Exploring the Intersection of Graph Data Science and AI (Sep 28)
- Pycon India (Sep 28 - 30): https://in.pycon.org/2023/
- Conference: PyData Amsterdam (Sep 13)
- Conference: Big Data London (Sep 19)
- Conference: Big Data Paris (Sep 25)
- Conference (Germany): JUG Saxony Day 2023 Dogfooding the Graph Ecosystem (Sep 28)