02:13 - What is Job Satisfaction?
03:25 - Predictors of Job Satisfaction
- Mission Alignment
- Psychological Safety
14:02 - Evaluating Job Satisfaction: Questions to Ask During Interviews
- What should I know that I didn’t ask?
- In six months, how will you know if hiring me was the right choice?
18:02 - Maintaining Positive Company Culture
- Hire to Forge Signals
- Meeting Potential Co-Workers
25:14 - Managers: What should you do if you know your team is unhappy?
27:42 - Positive Interactions with Coworkers + Feeling Needed / Relevant + Making Progress
Everything Is Broken, and It's OK - John Sawers
The Progress Principle: Using Small Wins to Ignite Joy, Engagement, and Creativity at Work
Rock Stars, Builders, and Janitors: You're Doing it Wrong
34:55 - When Jobs Respect Your Life 👍🏻
42:17 - “Passion” and Playing to People’s Strengths
54:34 - Values Interviews and Attitudes Towards Failure
Superfluous Job Satisfaction Reflections:
John: Microvalidations.
Jamey: Slack Airhorn Auto Response + Farm Meme Fridays
Laurie: Something associated with the start of her day that makes her smile before she even leaves for the office: a backpack.
Rein: Asking “Hey, how can I help you with that?” Also: idiosyncratic emoji usage.
Jacob: Offering to help new people set up their development environments.
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Special Guests: Jacob Stoebel and Laurie Barth.
Sponsored By:
- Pantheon: This episode is sponsored by Pantheon. Pantheon is the platform of choice for more enterprise Drupal / WordPress sites than any other platform. A platform with superpowers needs to be run behind the scenes by super humans of all diversities and backgrounds. Pantheon actively supports non-profit initiatives throughout the Bay Area and beyond such as Techtonica, the Tech Equity Collaborative, and Lesbians Who Tech. Learn more about career opportunities at pantheon.io/GreaterThanCode.