02:43 - PJ’s Superpower: Convincing people that karaoke is a good idea.
- PJ’s Karaoke History
- Why Karaoke is Awesome
07:13 - The DevRel World (DevRel = Developer Relations)
13:42 - Online vs In-Person/Live Conferences
- Body Language and Delivery
- Hallway Track: Is not a literal 'track.' It's all the interactions, conversations, talk follow-up, etc. that happen at a conference outside of the formal schedule. Hallway tracks are when people interact socially about the issues being discussed at the event. For instance, between talks or over lunch. Most hallway track conversations are open and casual. Sometimes hallway track conversations inspire a future lightning talk, Ignite talk, panel discussion, or full talk.
- Can you emulate an in-person conference online?
- Luck and Visibility
25:54 - Making Conferences Diverse & Inclusive
- Putting People on Stage That Don’t Look Like You
- Passing on “Lucky” to Others
33:01 - Prompt and Talking About Mental Health
- Ed Finkler on Open Sourcing Mental Illness at Distill (this was the talk that launched Prompt)
- Greg Baugues: Devs and Depression
- OSMI = Open Sourcing Mental Illness
- CodeDaze 2016 - Paying Off Emotional Debt by Justine Arreche
- Madalyn Rose Parker: Overcoming Mental Health Hurdles at Work
- Mental Health Summit - php[tek] 2014
43:10 - Making Conferences Diverse & Inclusive (Cont’d)
- Being Seen -- White Cis Men
- The Colored Musicians Club
- Aggressive Inclusion
- Micro Opportunities
- Lightning Talks
54:14 - Accessibility
- Time and Monetary Expenses
- Conferencing in the time of COVID-19
PJ's First Ever Full Talk at RubyMidwest: Act Locally - Think Globally
Carina: The exaggerated visual of putting a hand down and throwing people into the air to lift them up.
Jamey: Holding onto the feeling of being lucky while feeling awful.
Jessica: Getting pushes to make output.
PJ: Be a Jim Weirich. Have a “Hello World” attitude. Human connection is important.
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Special Guest: PJ Hagerty.
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- strongDM: Today’s show is sponsored by strongDM. Transitioning your team to work from home? Managing a gazillion SSH keys, database passwords, and Kubernetes certs? Meet strongDM. Manage and audit access to servers, databases, and Kubernetes clusters, no matter where your employees are. With strongDM, easily extend your identity provider to manage infrastructure access. Automate onboarding, offboarding, and moving people within roles. Grant temporary access that automatically expires to on-call teams. Admins get full auditability into anything anyone does: when they connect, what queries they run, what commands are typed. It’s full visibility into everything. For SSH, RDP, and Kubernetes, that means video replays. For databases, it’s a single unified query log across all database management systems. strongDM is used by companies like Hearst, Peloton, Betterment, Greenhouse, and SoFi to manage access. It’s more control and less hassle. strongDM. Manage and audit remote access to infrastructure”. Start your free 14-day trial today at strongdm.com/GTC.