02:09 - Tudor’s Superpower: Storytelling
- Getting Beyond Your Self-Critic
- Writing Code is Storytelling
- There’s No Semantics Without Syntax
13:04 - Reading Stories (and Code)
- Reading Code Takes Place in an Editor
- Code is Not Text. Code is Data.
17:56 - Optimizing For Happiness
- Automation Creates More Jobs
- Choosing Tools is Important
“The tools that we create end up influencing how we see the world.” – Marshall McLuhan
27:48 - Moldable Development
- Making Metaphors and Building Abstractions
- Glamorous Toolkit
32:50 - Editing Code as a Joint Activity
- rust-analyzer
- Simultaneous Perspectives Increase Communication Bandwidth
38:40 - Encouraging and Supporting the Presentation of New Ideas and Out-of-the-Box Thinking
58:41 - Culture is Formed by Storytelling; Identity is the Story We Tell About Ourselves
Rein: Reading and writing code can be different, but it can also be the same. See: the functional programming concept of lens.
Jessica: At the end of the presentation, if there’s no question that makes you think, then maybe you haven’t moved anything. Look for surprises.
Arty: Optimizing for happiness as a first principle. How do we do that more?
Tudor: With software, we are forcing people to listen to our ideas and then act according to our thoughts. That is a big responsibility, a privilege, and we have to train that skill.
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Special Guest: Tudor Gîrba.
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- An Event Apart: This podcast is brought to you by An Event Apart. For over 15 years, An Event Apart conferences have been the best way to level up your skills, get inspiration from world-class experts, and learn what’s next in web design. Now, An Event Apart is proud to introduce Online Together: Front-End Focus, a single-day online conference on Monday, August 17th with a focus on developing for the front end. You’ll hear insights from Ire Aderinokun, Aaron Gustafson, Henri Helvetica, Jeremy Keith, Una Kravets, and Dave Rupert discussing the latest in CSS advances, best practices in design principles, surviving audits, improving performance, and more. In addition to live message boards during the sessions, each session features a live moderated moderated Q&A with the speaker. You’ll come away not only inspired, but ready to put new techniques and ideas immediately into practice. Greater Than Code listeners can save $50 off registration with promo code AEAGTC. Once again, that promo code is AEAGTC. So grab your spot and join us online Monday, August 17th. Visit AnEventApart.com to see the full agenda and register now. Promo Code: AEAGTC