02:13 - Dan’s Superpower: Ability to Keep Calm
- “We need to solve this problem.”
- Dealing with Frustration
- Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
07:11 - Maximizing Your Potential as a New Developer and Making a Good Impression
- Overindex
- Asking Questions
- 054: Code Hospitality with Nadia Odunayo
- Try New Things, but Enjoy Your Work
17:55 - What Makes a Senior Engineer?
- When is a senior engineer not a senior engineer?
- Impact
- Making Mistakes
- Pragmaticism vs Perfectionism
- The Efficiency Throne as Tradeoff
- Recognition Prime Decision-Making
42:51 - Solving Big Problems vs Small Problems
- Getting People to Care
- Group Accountability & Presenting Deliverables
50:39 - Creating an Organization Where People Can Thrive and Grow
- Fostering a Culture of Help
53:17 - Letters To A New Developer
57:52 - Community and How They Help Developer Growth
Dan: Build your mental muscle around tradeoffs.
Jacob: Thinking about talking to junior developers.
Rein: The context we’re in when we’re thinking changes how we think.
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Special Guest: Dan Moore.
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- strongDM: Today's show is sponsored by strongDM. Managing your remote team as they work from home? Managing a gazillion SSH keys, database passwords, and Kubernetes certs? Meet strongDM. Manage and audit access to servers, databases, and Kubernetes clusters, no matter where your employees are. With strongDM, easily extend your identity provider to manage infrastructure access. Automate onboarding, offboarding, and moving people within roles. Grant temporary access that automatically expires to on-call teams. Admins get full auditability into anything anyone does: when they connect, what queries they run, what commands are typed. It's full visibility into everything. For SSH, RDP, and Kubernetes, that means video replays. For databases, it's a single unified query log across all database management systems. strongDM is used by companies like Hearst, Peloton, Betterment, Greenhouse, and SoFi to manage access. It's more control and less hassle. strongDM. Manage and audit remote access to infrastructure. Start your free 14-day trial today at strongdm.com/SDT
- Virtual Genius: Collaboration between different disciplines in your organization can be difficult, and finding clarity and alignment on both the right problem to solve and the right solution design is even more so. We each approach improvement from our own (limited) perspective, without taking into account the whole story. How is that effective? Paul Rayner's EventStorming Facilitation Virtual Workshop is a multi-day online event that promotes collaboration between different disciplines in order to solve business problems in the most effective way. This virtual workshop with Paul consists of 4 sessions on Sep 28-Oct 1 from 9am-Noon (CDT) each day. To register and get 20% off your ticket, visit virtualgenious.com/events and use the code VGGTC. In this highly hands-on and interactive virtual workshop you'll learn advanced EventStorming facilitation skills spanning from large scale business discovery to collaborative solution design at the team level. Once again to get 20% off your ticket, visit virtualgenious.com/events and use the code VGGTC. Promo Code: VGGTC