00:16 – Welcome to “99 Bottles of Podcasts!” …we mean, “Greater Than Code!”
99 Bottles of OOP by Sandi Metz and Katrina Owen
01:31 – Collaboration on the Book
Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby by Sandi Metz
People who like me call me disciplined & meticulous
— Jessica Kerr (@jessitron) November 21, 2016
People who don't call me anal & pedantic
It's the same thing. @kytrinyx @greaterthancode
14:56 – Audience: Who is this book for?
21:06 – The DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) Principle; Duplication and Replication
DRYing too hard: "people encapsulate the pieces that are identical, though they don't represent a complete idea." @kytrinyx @greaterthancode
— Jessica Kerr (@jessitron) November 21, 2016
29:21 – Code Review and Naming Things
30:40 – “In what ways is it 99 Bottles a richer kata than fizz buzz?” – Benjamin Fleischer
32:53 – “The 99 Bottles book seems to document all the trade-offs we’ve been implicitly making. Could this possibly be a first step in automating those decisions? i.e.: Might we take those now-explicit rules and partially automate the process of programming?” – Craig Buchek
34:47 – Llewellyn Falco: “Sparrow Decks”
39:57 – “what non-Ruby technologies are you interested in right now?” – Darin Wilson
The more people involved in a project
— Jessica Kerr (@jessitron) November 21, 2016
the less important the code becomes
and more important the interactions.@kytrinyx @greaterthancode
“Code is easy; people are hard. If you want to get things done, you have to get good at people.” - @sandimetz
— Greater Than Code (@greaterthancode) November 21, 2016
45:00 – Sandi’s Unique Approach to Teaching
47:53 – Speaking at Conferences
Listening is not how people learn.
— Jessica Kerr (@jessitron) November 21, 2016
We learn by doing.
To help someone learn-by-doing, ask them questions.@sandimetz @greaterthancode
Coraline: Inspiration to return to work on her book about empathy. Also, exploring whether that visual interpretation of code is the shape of code in the abstract or the shape of the code that’s written on-screen.
Sandi: Controversy around the notion that duplication is better than the wrong abstraction.
Katrina: We are humans and we have ideas and sharing those ideas makes us visible to other humans. It is also incredibly important and impactful to speak.
Jessica: Development of relationships and partnerships with someone who will push you.
Sam: Helping people realize things on their own is greater than telling them the answer. Also, practicing better self-control in coding and mentoring.
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Special Guests: Katrina Owen and Sandi Metz.