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The beginning of a long journey.

I've told myself and those around me that when I eventually land a job in the tech industry I will make a long (and probably drawn-out) video on the subject. It will contain the journey I've been through, as well as the struggles involved.

I know there are many videos out there doing the same thing, but for some reason, none of them resonate with me. Sure, they sometimes go from being drug addicts, and homeless to six-figure salaries, but their journey never seems to feel realistic.

One person I am subscribed to on YouTube has a journey that only lasted a few months before he was given his first job. Does that sound realistic to you? Especially in the market we are in right now when it comes to being hired in the tech industry.

This is why I feel that when the time comes I will be posting my journey. is just a place for me to be adding my steps in this journey, and to keep a record of the trials I have been through so when I need to reflect on the experience I'll have it all ready.

I will start by going backward, and working my way towards the present. At the very beginning.

Who knows, this might be a good opportunity to write a book? lol I think not.

Top comments (1)

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Good stuff, GretSeat! My name is Michael and I'm a Community Manager here. Glad to hear that you'll be logging your learning journey here on DEV. 😀

Also, I totally relate to what you're saying about the YouTube journeys feeling a bit extreme. I think there are probably many folks out there who would appreciate tuning into a path that is more reflective of their circumstances, despite it not necessarily having a catchy angle to it.

Anywho, hope this community is a good one for ya and looking forward to hearing more about how your experience goes!