DEV Community

Victor Rizzo
Victor Rizzo

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There's no silver bullet

I have some years in programming, and often I see some people being a fanboy of their favorite language/framework and forgetting how they should look at the problem they are trying to solve.

I was a big fanboy, Javascript was the savior salvation to all problems in the world for me, but that's not the truth.

Back in the day, I thought that JS could do everything, from webpages and backend to machine learning, and I was right JS still can do these things, but it is not the better tool for all that stuff.

If the only thing you know how to use is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail

It's essential to understand that there's no one-size-fits-all solution in programming. Each language or framework has its strengths and weaknesses, and it's important to choose the appropriate tool for each task.

For example, Golang is a great tool for low-latency projects, but it might not be the best choice for machine learning. Similarly, Python is excellent for data analysis and machine learning, but it might not be the best option for mobile development.


We must have an open mind to use different tools and languages to solve problems effectively. And we must be willing to learn new languages and frameworks as they emerge, rather than sticking to what we already know.

In summary, there's no silver bullet in programming. Instead, we must have a diverse toolkit and the ability to choose the right tool for each job.

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